Me and Andy both laughed while playing footsie he said ok stop I need to look for food. I accidentally snorted and andy looked at me and started laughing his ass off I swatted his arm and said shut up asshole. A couple minutes later andy said ok I know exactly what I want and he smiled and I laughed at him and he was smiling like a little kid. A couple minutes later the waitress handed us all our drinks and said are you guys ready to order every one said yea I sneezed and said sorry andy laughed and said bless you I said thanks and laughed. Everyone ordered I got chicken tenders and fries to go the waitress grabbed our menus and walked away and everyone started talking. Andy got up I said huh and he lifted my face up and kissed me he said I gotta go pee I laughed and said ok he said alright I got up and he said I can go by myself. I grabbed his arm and gave him puppy eyes he laughed and said ok fine come on and we started walking over to the bathroom he said are you my little shadow I laughed and said oh my God my new nick name he laughed and said little shadow it is I squealed and laughed and so did andy. We got over to the bathroom he said wait here I laughed and said ok he kissed me and walked away I giggled and said little shadow and looked down and smiled. Some guy walked over to me and said hi I smiled and said hi and waved. He said you waiting on someone I said yea and he said oh ok cool and I looked down and moved my feet slight and smiled and bit my lip and the guy looked at me and said by the way your really fuckin pretty I looked at him and said thanks he said of course. I just blushed and looked away I felt my  heart race slightly the guy started talking to me but I just waited for andy. A couple minutes he walked out and smiled he said my little shadow and I laughed and he cupped my cheeks and kissed me and I smiled and said I love you he said I love you more Lilly. He moved his hand on my hip and said let's go and we started walking away from the bathroom and he wrapped his arm around my waist and I turned around and looked at the guy and he just looked at me and I turned back around he said who the fuck was that. I said I dunno he just randomly walked up to me and started talking to me he said ok weird I said yep. Me and Andy got back to the table and sat down and everyone was still talking the guy sat at the table next to us and I just shook my head and looked at andy. He was staring at me while biting his lip my cheeks went red and he leaned over and kissed me passionately an di put my arms around his neck and he hummed against my lips and I smiled when he pulled back he rested his forehead against mine and said I love you my little shadow. I laughed and said I love you more Batman andy smiled and kissed me again and said yeppppp and we both laughed slightly against each others lips. Andy pulled back and ran his knuckle against my face and I just looked at him and smiled he said mhh your fuckin beautiful I said thanks quietly he said of course babe and he lifted my hand up and kissed it. My brother said ewwww to much PDA and me and Andy started laughing and every one said awwww they are in love I laughed and looked down and blushed. Andy sat up straight and said yes mom I am absolutely and utterly fucked by your daughter and I looked up and Andy said yes I am completely head over heels in love with your daughter I started smiling like crazy and I blushed as well. Andy lifted my face and ran his thumb across my lip and said all mine all of this and I smiled against his thumb and he smiled as well. A little while later the food finally came and every one dug in I couldn't stop thinking about andy even though he was literally right in front of me. I just looked down and smiled and bit my lip andy had a salad of course and he said hey lil shadow wats wrong I laughed and looked up and said nothing and poked his nose and he laughed at me and shook his head. He continued eating I slightly looked across my shoulder and the guy was staring at me while a wild look in his eyes and I just smiled and looked at andy he looked at me and said hold on lil shadow I said huh. He said you got something on your lip I laughed and said oh yea I do andy said uh huh and leaned over and kissed me I felt him slid his hand under my shirt his hands were soft and really warm andy pulled back i said you got it he smiled and said yep but got it and he kept his hand under my shirt I was wearing a sports bra and andy slipped one finger under it and he kept his forehead against mine he started rubbing my breast with in finger I felt my heart flutter and my breath hitched he leaned over and mumbled against my lips you like that I said Andrew stop out of breathe he said ok and kissed me and took his hand out of my shirt and continued eating. My heart was beating one thousand miles an hour and my cheeks were flushed and I just looked at him and he winked at me. A little while later the check came and so did my food Chris payed and andy went to the bathroom and he kissed my head before walking away my step brother went with him to the bathroom. I was in pure bliss because of andy we all got up and walked outside and waited by our cars I waited for andy so I could tell him by. A couple minutes later andy and my step brother came out and they both walked over to me andy said bye my lil shadow and I smiled and he kissed me passionately slightly and pulled back and I said bye he said bye and walked away. My step brother fell out of the truck and I started laughing Andy said holy shit and ran over to him to help him up andy was freaking out I busted my ass from laughing so hard. They both started laughing when andy knew he was ok andy helped him in the truck and closed the door and walked away I got into the truck and closed the door before I could fall out from laughing so hard. My dad locked the truck thank God. We all buckled up and he started the truck and we started driving to the hotel I just listened to music on the way there. It was around 6 pm when we got out of the restaurant it was really busy at the moment. We drove down the highway to get to the hotel we were an hour away I started yawning a little bit then remembered I was going to slow dance with andy tonight. We got to the hotel at 7 pm we got there before andy and them I ate a little bit of fries in my mom and dads room and waited for andy. I used the restroom and put my food in the fridge and sat on the bed by my mom. She said are you having fun so far and I said ummm yea the fuck her and my dad started laughing and said good. A couple minutes later someone knocked on the door my dad got up he said who is it and they said Andrew he said ok and opened the door andy walked over to me and smiled and said my lil shadow and I laughed and said hi and he lifted my face up and kissed me and I smiled and said I love you Andrew he said I love you more my little shadow and I laughed he said you ready to go in our room I said yea. I grabbed my phone and gave my mom and dad a hug and walked out andy quickly grabbed my food put the fridge and said goodnight love you guys. Me and Andy walked to our honeymoon suit I still can't believe he did that. Me and Andy took a bunch of pictures already and I posted them on Instagram of course. Andy opened the door and we walked in and he closed the door and locked it he put my food in the fridge I took off my clothes and stole his shirt and he used the restroom. His shirt looked like a dress on me but it smelt so good. I wasn't wearing pants but I was in my socks I put my hair in a messy bun andy took off his clothes and put them down and turned on a lamp and charged his phone I used the restroom and all the lights were off and the curtains were open I brushed my teeth in the bathroom. One lamp was on and Andy was standing in the window he looked so fucking good with the moonlight on his skin he turned and looked at me and smiled and I blushed slightly and looked down. I started walking towards andy and looked out the window and he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my head and I smiled it was a really beautiful sight at night. I took a picture of me and Andy and it looked really good I put my phone down andy said you look really fuckin hot in the moonlight I said so do you and we both smiled. The moon was shining in his eyes and he looked like a picture I said hold on I took a picture of him and smiled. Andy took a picture of me on his phone and we both put our phones down. Andy shoved me slightly against the ledge and started kissing me passionately and I moaned slightly into the kiss and he smiled when he pulled back. Andy walked over to his phone and started playing music quietly and I smiled. Andy walked over to me and extended his arm he said may I have this dance and I smiled and said yes. Andy wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we started dancing in the moonlight and I smiled like crazy. Andy leaned down and kissed me and he said this was a good idea I said yea and smiled. Andy rested his forehead against mine and we just swayed back in forth it felt like time stopped and it was just me and Andy in the world. I felt like I was dreaming about this moment but we were both awake and smiling against each others lips. Me and Andy ended up dancing for 2 hours and we checked our phones it was 2 am andy laughed and closed the curtains and we charged our phones and used the restroom then we layed down in bed and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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