A little while later Amy came into her room and turned the lights on. She said its time to get up girls we both groaned fuckkkk and said ok and she closed the door and walked away. Me and lacey both groaned fuckkkk and got out of bed we went to the bathroom then went downstairs. Andy was chilling on the couch talking to his parents lacey walked over to the couch and layed down and I laughed andy said sit by me I smiled and sat beside andy on the couch. I just kept looking at lacey she got comfortable on the couch and I laughed and so did andy. Amy said so Lilly when do you want us to take you home honey I sighed and said I don't know when ever you guys want. She said ok fo get your stuff and bring it downstairs andy said I'll bring her home I looked at him and said are you sure andy said yea I don't mind I bit my lip and said ok. Andy followed me upstairs and went into his room I went into laceys room to grab my stuff. I put my charger into my bag and grabbed everything else I needed I went to the bathroom one last time. I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs and put my shoes on. Andy was standing next to the door and said ready babe I said yea and he said ok and opened the front door and I walked out of the house and he closed the door and unlocked his car. He walked behind me and opened my car door and I smiled when I got inside andy walked over to the drivers side and got in and closed his door and locked the car. Andy turned and looked at me he said I love you Lilly I smiled and said I love you too andy and he kissed me and I smiled against his lips and he slid his tongue in my mouth and I ran my hand down his shirt and started kissing him passionately I grabbed his arm and he moaned slightly. I pulled back gently and nuged his lips with my nose and smiled andy kissed my cheek and said ok let's take your sexy ass home and I blushed. Andy started the car and rolled down the windows and started driving I smiled and looked out the window. Me and Andy jammed out the whole way to my house and I smiled and just enjoyed the wind. Andy dropped me off and I chilled in my room after I ate dinner and unpacked my bag I ended up falling asleep at 10 pm.

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