I woke up and yawned and stretched I groaned fuckkkk its early. I said turn off the sun andy woke up laughing and said huh. I said the sun is too damn bright he laughed and said turn off the damn sun I started laughing and said shut up asshole. Andy started laughing his ass off and yawned and stretched and said fuckk I'm tired. A little while later me and Andy woke up and brushed our hair and teeth in the bathroom and also used it. Andy cleaned my neck and we changed it was 11am when I checked my phone. Me and Andy went to the hospital to get my stitches out I was extremely excited about it. It was 12pm when they called my name I had my hair in a bun. The doctor took off my bandage and cleaned it and numbed it and I said shit that hurt the doctor said sorry I said no its ok. A couple minutes later the doctor took out the stitches and andy stood by me and smiled and said your doing really good babe I smiled the doctor said ok got it Mrs Biersack and said you did good. I said thank you he cleaned my neck and wrapped it back up and said you should heal soon just keep cleaning it we smiled and said thank you. We got home a little while later and made lunch all our friends came over to hang out with us. Me and lacey went into our room and she said ohhh shit the lingerie nice touch I laughed and said right and we both laughed. I changed into a crop top and comfy shorts. Lacey helped me put ny hair in a messy bun I said thanks and she kissed my cheek and I smiled and said I love you beatie and gave her a hug she said I love you more and we both smiled. A couple minutes later me and lacey headed downstairs everyone was on the couch laughing and talking me and lacey were holding hands walking downstairs. She laughed and said hold on andy did not hang that picture up I laughed and said oh no you bastard and laughed. Lacey said I fucking hate you brother andy laughed and said I did love ya too sis. It was a picture of me and lacey when we dressed up in a batman and raccoon onsie I laughed and said I love that day she smiled and said yea me too. Andy took that picture and I completely forgot about it and I started smiling and so did lacey we went over to the couch and sat down. Cc said so you got the stitches out I said uh huh and I didn't cry he said oh we got a tough one and I laughed andy said yea we definitely do. I looked down and smiled I randomly started thinking of my dad and I bit my lip because my eyes started watering. I got up and grabbed my phone and went outside and closed my door Andy said alright. I called my dad and said hey I really miss you he said aw babe I miss you too I said can I see you soon he said yea of course I said alright I gave him my address and he said alright love you I said love you too dad and smiled. I walked back inside and closed and locked the door lacey said who was that I said my dad she said oh ok andy said you called your dad I said yea and looked down. Andy said ok I don't care he is your dad I bit my thumb and said I know he is and he said yea and rubbed his thighs and said alright where was I and continued talking. I sighed and looked up and saw a picture of me and my dad and felt my eyes watering and walked up to it and said dad everyone looked at me and I just smiled while my eyes started watering. Andy walked over to me and kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me and said I thought you should have a picture of him I said thank you he said no of course babe and kissed my shoulder. Everyone stayed till 7pm and went home lacey and Cc decided to stay the night that didn't bother me and Andy. We all cooked dinner me and lacey jammed out to music while the guys cooked and laughed at us. We all ate at 8pm I changed into comfy Pj's and so did lacey. Me and lacey chilled in me and andys bed while they stayed downstairs a little while later I fell asleep against lacey. A little while later I felt lacey move I looked up Cc carried her to bed and said good night babe and I smiled andy closed the door and turned on the fan. He said hey lay down ok I did and fell asleep and he laughed and used the restroom. A couple minutes later I felt the bed shift and andy pulled me carefully onto his chest and I got comfortable and fell asleep and so did andy.

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