91 Monday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk the sun was shining really bright and then I started smiling. I felt andys chest rise up and down slowly and he was snoring lightly and I smiled against his chest. I then realized in that moment that I'm really happy I'm not dead because I know I couldn't live without Andy. I bit my lip and smiled and I held andys hand and kissed it I felt him smiling against my head. I yawned and stretched slightly and made a little noise Andy woke up and laughed I looked up at him and he kissed me and said good morning babe and I smiled against his lips. He yawned and stretched as well I smiled and looked at him. I bit my lip and climbed on top of andy he grabbed my hips and said hey babe you need to heal I made a sad face and andy kissed me and said after you get your stitches out then we can have sex I said ugh fine andy laughed and I rolled my eyes and laughed as well. I got up and used the restroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it andy walked in and yawned and stretched I wiped my mouth and said ok. I put my hair in a messy bun and looked in the mirror andy took off the bandage and that's the first time I saw my neck my eyes started watering and he said it's ok and kissed my shoulder and started cleaning it. I felt my heart go into my throat my mouth went dry and my breath hitched it looked really bad. I was like holy shit he said your gonna have a badass scare and laughed while wrapping it back up and washed his hands. I laughed and said yea I guess your right and he laughed and said uh huh and used the restroom and washed his hands again. Andy walked up to me and lifted my face and started kissing me passionately and it caught me off guard his hand was on my hip and I moaned slightly and andy smiled into the kiss. Andy said well I have a bruise on my arm from where I got my blood taken I smiled and said andy and he just smiled against my face. Andy moved back and said Kay plans today I laughed and said take a bath he laughed and said alright and kissed me and said tell me if you need anything I said ok and he left the bedroom and headed downstairs and took care of the animals I got my phone and some clothes. It is 10 am right now I turned on the bath and brushed my hair and turned on music and climbed in the bathtub and took a ice hot relaxing bath. A little while later andy came in the room and I said huh and laughed he leaned down and kissed my head and I smiled and said hey he crouched down and said you need anything I laughed and saw Crow walk in the bathroom andy said oh hey bub. He stood against the bathtub and meowed at me and we both laughed andy shook his head and said alright I said I'm good andy smiled and said ok sounds good. He got up and took off his clothes I said huh wat the hell and he climbed in the tub and smiled I covered my face because I was laughing andy splashed water in my face and I snorted andy started laughing as well I said shut up asshole. Crow started meowing like crazy while me and Andy were laughing I shook my head I climbed on andys lap and wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him passionately he grabbed my hips and started grinding me slowly against him and we both moaned slightly and I smiled and said fuckk andy said oh this feels good and I said uh huh and smiled andy bit his lip while we listened to music. I bit Andys lip and tugged it slightly and he said fuckkk and smiled and so did I. I rested my forehead against his while he grinded me slowly against his stomach I smiled and said Andrew he said yea I said this feels really good he said uh huh it does. A little while later I came on andys chest stomach and he smiled and kissed me passionately while holding me against him. Me and Andy got out the tub at 12pm we both laughed while washing each other's body I gave him a Mohawk and he laughed and I took a picture and laughed. I was wearing andys shirts and underwear andy wore boxers only we went downstairs and cooked lunch. I said I will do the laundry he said nooo you need rest and I said ok and sat on the couch. I laughed while laying on the couch andy gave me some food and we chilled on the couch and watched movies my neck started hurting so I took medicine and it helped a lot. Andy did the dishes and I smiled while laying on the couch and crow cuddled against me and Andy said awww my babies and I smiled and Blushed. Andy layed on the couch next to me and grabbed my hand and kissed it and I smiled like crazy and shook my head and blushed crow headbutted me and me and Andy started laughing. A little while later someone knocked on the door I looked at andy he ran upstairs to put pants on I laughed I wasn't wearing any either I opened the door and lacey and Cc walked in. Lacey gave me a hug and Cc locked the door I said sorry I'm not wearing pants they laughed and said it's fine. Andy came downstairs and said oh hey guys and laughed lacey and I walked over to the couch and sat down Cc gave andy a hug and smiled he said hey man how are you andy said I'm good. Cc said I'm happy to hear that andy said yea me and lacey laughed and talked for a while. We all hung out on the couch I covered my legs with a blanket so it wouldn't be awkward. Lacey said oh nice underwear and I laughed and blushed and said thanks andy laughed and rolled his eyes. Lacey and Cc left at 6pm me and Andy ate dinner and went upstairs after he took care of the animals. Me and Andy cuddled in bed for the rest of the night I fell asleep against andys chest at 10pm and he fell asleep as well.

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