95 Saturday

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It was the day I dreaded having to hang out with my dad's wife oh how fun fmllll. I yawned and stretched against andys chest he was snoring lightly and I smiled. I rolled over on my stomach and closed my eyes and fell back asleep. Andy shifted and said asswhole he moved closer to me and got snuggled against me and I smiled. A little while later andy got up and went to the restroom and closed the door. I was really comfortable and I did not want to get up at all. Andy walked back in the room and said aww babe its 10am you should get up and ready soon I said no. Andy walked over to me and kissed me passionately and he slid hand down my body. He put his hand in my underwear and I bit my lip and moaned Andrew he inserted two fingers he pulled down my underwear and moved the blanket I just looked at him dumbfounded. A couple seconds later he pulled out his fingers and licked them then kissed me and said get up and walked away. I was in complete shock and said what the fuck I quickly pulled my pants up and he walked out the door and closed it. I groaned fuckkkk and forced myself to get out of bed I really didn't like andy right now. I yawned and stretched I got out of bed and headed out of bed and went to the bathroom. I used the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it I groaned fuckkkk when I got out because I did not want to go with my dad's wife. I checked my phone its said 11am lacey and Cc came over. Lacey said are u ready Lilly I walked downstairs and said no and laughed she said holy shit get ready and I laughed and walked over to andy first. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately and he smiled when I pulled back I said I love you andy he said I love you more Lilly and kissed my forehead and said alright go get ready I said ugh fine. I went upstairs and put on a Black veil brides shirt and shorts and sprayed some body spray on and put on some chapstick. I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and used the restroom and went downstairs. Lacey smiled and looked at me and said ready I said yea. My dad's wife said ok you guys ready we said yea sarcastically and laughed. Andy said good luck I rolled my eyes and walked away. We all got in the car and started driving she was talking to Lacey in the front seat I felt bad for her. We got to the nail salon we all sat down by each other it was 11:30. We all got acrylic nails and got our toes done. The lady said what happened to your neck sweet heart my dad's wife said oh she slit her neck but survived and smiled. We got finished getting our nails done me and lacey stopped and looked at her while she payed the person. I said exsfuckingscue me she looked at me and said it's true I said I don't feel comfortable telling people that. It was 12pm she smiled and said oh sorry my bad and I rolled my eyes and walked outside Lacey followed me I said that bitch she said I know and rolled her eyes. Lacey said she had no right to do that I said I know what the fuck. I was angry we all went out to eat it was 1pm she said wanna go shopping I said sure. We walked around the mall for a while and got a bunch of shit now I started feeling self conscious because people were staring at me. A little while later we all went to a store for his wife and looked around we got to the check out counter someone said hey are you ok what did you get your scare from I felt embarrassed and lacey squeezed my hand. My dad's wife said oh she tried to kill herself I looked at her the women said oh my goodness you know Jesus loves you right sweetheart. I looked at her and said FUXK YOU I walked out with tears in my eyes I immediately called andy and hung up because I couldn't talk. Andy called Lacey she said can u pick us up at the mall. Andy got here at 2pm and we all got in andy said what happened. Lacey said her dad's wife kept telling everyone she tried to commit suicide when they asked about her neck. He said your fuckin kidding me I said I'm already fucking self conscious he held my hand and said I know babe. We got home and I put my stuff up a little while later she came home crying we all were in the living room. She said your daughter is a horrible person he said how she said she told me F you in front of everyone. My dad said Abby apologize I said NO BECAUSE SHE KEPT POINTING OUT MY INSECURITIE I DON'T THINK SO. She said that was mean I said I'm already ficking self conscious and it's my story to tell so stop fucking telling everyone you bitch. I got up and stormed into me and andys room and slammed the door and started crying. I was so fucking mad right now she had no right to do that. My dad came in my room and I looked at him he said you need to apologize I yelled SHE FUCKING HUMILATED ME SHE SHOULD APOLIGZE NOT ME. My dad yelled WHOS FAULT IS IT THAT THEY ALMOST COMMITTED SUICIDE. I yelled FUXK YOU HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT WOULD YOU EVEN CARE IF I DID DIE OBVIOUSLY NOT. He said ABBY ROSE MORGAN APOLIGZE RIGHT NOW. I said NO YOU CANT MAKE ME he walked out the door and went downstairs and I followed him she was still crying andy was completely pissed off. He just looked at her like bitch shut up I can't stand you andy looked at me and said hey are you ok I looked at my dad and felt like my heart shattered. He just looked at me and said guys let's go and they got up and left and closed the door. I yelled I HATE THAT I FUCKING LOVE YOU SO MUCH DAD I started crying and fell on the floor andy ran over to me and I cried against his chest. A little while later I stopped crying we all ate dinner and hung out in the kitchen my dad still hasn't texted me but I didn't care. I felt extremely depressed now andy had his arm wrapped around my shoulder the whole time. We all went to bed at around midnight I fell asleep against andys chest and he kissed my head and fell asleep as well.

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