Party like there was no tomorrow

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Germany POV

I got out of the car in front of (y/n) house. It's a good thing I know where the Nordic lives or else I would have spent a day looking for it. As I walk toward the stairs I spotted a bouquet of roses a cake that looked uneaten, I was curious but kept it for myself. I rang the doorbell, I didn't even have enough time to sigh when the door flung open and I saw her. She was stunning. She looked perfectly normal but if you paid close attention you could see that she put some thought before getting ready. I was in awe, her hair was slightly curled, she put on light make up. Her red anarchy t-shirt molded her every curve, her black skinny jeans made me want to smack her butt, but I had to hold it in. "Hey, are you alright your all red?". I simply nodded and brought her to the car. As we got in mein Bruder turned on the music and the Bad Touch Trio started to sing as if they were in a karaoke bar. I was relieved when we arrived. No more of their singing. WE entered with ease since it was a friends disco. The music was blasting everywhere and the room was dimly lighted. We entered and I saw the others already on the dancefloor. I went to the bar and ordered a beer. As I was sipping it I felt as if someone was watching me, but I was more preoccupied watching (y/n) dance. I bet that she's having a blast over there. At one moment she looked in my direction and our eyes locked on each other, I felt like the world was slowed down so that I could admire her forever. But the moment was short lived, a foreign hand slithered around my arm. I look to my side to see three girls turning around me. All of them had blonde hair (probably bleached or something) , there was too much makeup on their face like if the makeup had just vomited in their face or that they wanted to participate in the next clown event at the circus, a top that let you see everything and a short that was too small for them.  They were trying to get me to buy them a drink and to flirt, but when I looked at them I thought it was disgusting. There so pathetic. I thought I was done for, when I suddenly felt a warm touch. I looked up. (Y/n). She dragged me away from those bimbos and brought me on the dancefloor. When Prussia saw me he started smirking like his usual self. It felt so awkward being on the dancefloor and not be able to dance. Little did I know but the music had taken its affect and we were dancing together, I guess the alcohol was helping me to get my moves on. We dance for an eternity until we were breathing heavily, we walked to the bar and joined the other. We both started to drink to keep us hydrated. While I was drinking I felt a weight on my shoulder, a s I look I see (y/n0 fast asleep on my shoulder. "Hey Bruder, I think we better get home." He looked at me with that perverted face (crotch cloth face).

~Time skip provided by crotch cloth~

I carried her in bridal style to our guest bedroom and laid her down and tucked her in. I was so tempted to kiss her forehead, and I let my temptation take the better of me. As I left I said "Guten nacht Liebling." and turn off the light.

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