7 minutes in heaven: part 2

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It was getting very late by now and I was cuddling in the couch in the arms of Germany. America was acting like a child after leaving the closet. He happened to kiss England. But sadly he was still holding on to the bag. He waltzed up to me and I slipped my hand in the bag I was desperatly trying to find the object that Prussia stole from Germany. Then I felt something soft and silky. As I pulled it out it was a ... rose. No n-ooooo! It can't be...

"Dude you got Francy pants!"

"I told you not to call me that !" he screeched.

I started to squeeze Germany's hand fearing that if I let it go I may never see him again.

"Shall we go in my chérie."


France's POV

Yes finally she'll be mine all mine, Oh hon hon hon hon!

"Shall we go in my chérie."

 I grabbed her arm before she could protest and dragged her to the closet. As we walked in, England closed the door and said 

"7 minutes and no funny business. Understood frog?"

"Bien sur." I responded in the background Germany was glaring at me. I could feel everyone's eyes stabbing me making me feel uncomfortable. I do love when everyone stares at me but this time their looks are saying "don't fuck this up". Talk about no stress.

While I was talking with England I didn't notice that (y/n) was hiding in a dark corner.

"Chérie where are you hiding? Are you scared of me?"

No response... I got on my my knees and crawled around trying to find her. I felt her hand, once I had it I grabbed it and held on to it.  I brought it slowly to my chest and placed it over my heart.

"Can you feel that. Everytime you're near me, my heartbeat accelerates and I have a hard time breathing. I desire you like no other man could ever understand. I wish to show you how much I love you."

Before she could answer I kissed her. 

Your POV

France declares his love and then he kissed me... but that's not the weird part. I felt something slide down my pharynx. I tried pushing my hands against his chest but he wouldn't let me go. I was panicking. I didn't want this to happen. We finally had to part for air.

France's eyes were glazed with lust. I stared at him in fear and horror. 

"France I am not interested I already have Germany. I shouldn't have participated in this game. I'm out."

I walked out of the closet, not looking back. I went towards Germany and told him I was tired and wished to go back home. He looked at me with worried eyes, like a sad lost puppy. I grabbed my hand and got me to the car and we drove off.

France's POV

While (y/n) left the closet, I felt my heart break into pieces. It was so painful to see my loved one with another man. Why !? Why wasn't it me ?

Before she left I muttered 

"Soon we will be together and no one will separate me."

During that time everyone was looking at me wondering what I would do next. I saw England snickering. Damn it I hate it when everyone one treats me like a loser. I became red with rage. I grabbed my stuff and hoped in my car. I went towards the Nordic's house. I saw Germany walking (y/n) to the door and kissing her before she went inside. 

I stayed in the car and waited patiently for the rest of the plan to proceed.

Your POV

Germany was such a sweet heart. He didn't ask any question about what happened in the closet or anything else. He walked me toward the door and gave me a good night kiss. I had thousands of butterflies in my stomach. For some reason I wanted him to take me now. Everytime he touched me it felt like my skin was on fire. The sensation was unbearable. But the kiss had to end and Germany left. The disappointment was filling my stomach now... I went upstairs in my room, the air was warm, sticky, unbreathable. Once inside I opened the window and took a shower hoping it would cool me off. While the cold water was dripping over my body I would hear the voice of France replaying in my head. I grabbed the towel and dried myself off. But the sticky feeling was still there, I put on a light nightdress and plopped down on the bed. And started to get drowsy. i thought I heard rustling in front of my window but I ignored it. I closed my eyes letting the cold air cool my scorching body that's when I felt the bed sink to my left. I eyes popped open before I could react a hand was placed on my mouth. The person picked me up bridal style, the intensity of his touch was deadly, making me go on the edge of what I could handle. My body went into shock and passed out.

France's Pov

Damn I gave her way to much aphrodisiac. She must of have passed out from the dosage. I left a letter on her desk and left her bedroom. I carried her downstairs and into my car. I drove off to our home.

*** FYI : I have been getting alot of comments telling me that France is not a pervert nor a stalker and ect. I know. I just needed someone to act as the "bad guy". It's just part of the story, so if you don't like it stop reading and stop with the mean comments. Thanks in advance. ***

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