Bed Incedent

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Your POV

I woke up with a mild headache. Ugh too much alcohol. I got up and walked to the guest bathroom and freshen myself off. I looked at my clothes from yesterday and wished I had brought an extra pair. Uhm... I smell something good... what is this? I slowly walk downstairs to the kitchen and OMG there was Prussia cooking breakfast, no explosion nor anything else. "Prussia what are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm making breakfast."

"Oh! I was expecting an explosion or something. You're not the type to succeed in cooking."

"Well I'm making potatoes." He said while he was smirking. For some reason it doesn't surprise me at all. I looked around, not seeing anyone else. "Hey Prussia where is everyone else?"

"Spain had to leave last night something about tomatoes and Romano, can't really remember what but who cares. The others are still in bed, hangover probably. Why? Can't handle my awesomeness?"

"Alright, I can live without your awesomeness. Here let me give you a hand with breakfast."

"No need I can handle it. Oh but can you wake West for me please!" he begged me. I slightly blushed but agreed to do it. I slowly walk up the stairs, before I knew it I was in front of his door. My heart was pounding so fast I thought it would explode out of my chest. I slightly knock on his door. Nothing, no reaction. I grab the doorknob and entered. The room is classically set up a bed in the center of the room, a closet, a desk and some pictures on the wall. The room was kept clean and tidy just like his owner. I walk up toward the bed, I peered over the blanket. His hair was in a mess, his eyels were delicately closed hiding his blue eyes, his mouth was slightly open letting the air pass. He looked so adorable and calm. Since the bed was so big I had no choice but to put a knee on the mattress, I leaned a bit to gently shake Germany's shoulder. He groaned as soon as I placed my hand on him. But before I could tell him it was time to get up, he reached the back of my neck and pulled me in the bed right next to him. His other arm snaked around my waist. Our noses were practically touching.

"What's wrong can't sleep by yourself?" he asked me. "That's better. You're really no good on your own."

"Uhh... um... Germany?". I gently try to pull away but he kept pulling me back in with more force.

Germany POV

I was in this wonderful dream were (y/n) and me were together on the beach laying around until I pull her in close to me. I felt this nice warmth surrounding me. I stared at her with lust in my eyes. I started to kiss her and she moaned my name over and over. Suddenly my eyes flew open and there she was. WAIT what, where are we? My bed, what did I do. "Hey Germany, good morning. Did you sleep well?". I stared at her as if I was dreaming then I notice the way we were in the bed.

"Shouldn't you be struggling with me, you shouldn't let yourself get cuddle like this." She immediately started to blush.

"Huh ... I ..." she responded

"You're awfully warm... and soft. This is wrong you should be careful. "I threw off my blanket grabbed my t-shirt and went to the window "...Okay, enough I need some space."

"Sorry, I was sent up to wake you. Your brother is making breakfast." She said as she was leaving the room, I thought I heard a bit of sadness in her voice but chose to ignore it. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. The cold water brought me back to reality. I 'm such a jerk. I punched the tiles oh the shower. I felt so bad, I'm the one teasing her and also the one that pushes her away. I left the shower with remorse and got ready for this long day. But for some reason something was bugging me, what did (y/n) say before she left? "Your brother is making breakfast.". Oh no. I ran out of my bedroom to the kitchen it was still whole. Mein Bruder was in the corner sulking for some reason. France was sitting at the island sipping some wine. How can he drink so early in the morning? (y/n) was at the stove making breakfast and humming a song. I sat down next to France, sighed and smile actually today is going to be a great day.

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