Halloween Party

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Your POV
The smell of pancakes woke me up. Yay I get two times pancakes  in a row  for breakfast. I'm so lucky.  I headed in the kitchen and smelt something that was burnt. England was in the corner of the room growing mushrooms, while Canada was flipping pancakes. I threw myself on him. "Good morning Canada. God that smells good."
"Good morning (y/n)."  He whispered.
"You don't have to be so shy. Oh yeah I forgot to ask you how it went with Prussia?"
"W-what nothing happened... I swear!" Canada was all flustered and red from embarasment
"Ahn, I wanted some juicy gossip about the test of courage. Did he scream like a girl?"
He sighed out of relief and regained his composure. That's when I heard a really girly scream. Before I could react a bodymass crashed into me, forcing me to hug the floor. The person on top of me wasn't heavy but it was very uncomfortable especially since his leg was in between mine and his hands landed on my breasts.
"You frog! Get your hands off of her." I looked up... great it's France. He looked like he was sobbing. Thats when I noticed his hair died in black with fake spiders and such. I plunged his face on my stomach and screamed "Je ne suis plus beau!" Behind him was America with the hair dye in his hand and something else in the other that I couldn't make out. I tried calming him down but god his grip was strong. "F-france please let go you're crushing me."
"Get off you perv!" Yelled England who did not enjoy being ignored.
"America can you remove him please."
"Sure dude, just hold on to this."
"I am the gentleman I will do it." Boasted England. America went towards him and and handed a brown object.
"BLOODY HELL! IT' A BLOODY MOUSE!!!" He screamed in a high pitched girl scream. Unfortunatly he threw the mouse in the air. And... it landed on me... to make it more accurate, it was in my t-shirt. The tiny rodent qickly ran into hiding makin me feel quite uncomfortable. "TAKE OFF YOUR T-SHIRT!" said an overly happy France.
"No way... ah...no no... this is so wrong." I could feel it squirming here and there. That's when France re-pounced on me and tried to take my shirt off."F-france stop it!"
That was embarrasing because that was the moment when all the other countries came in. The way that France and I were in must have been really wrong for them. I was on the ground, tears forming trying to push France off of me, while France was on top (again) held up with one hand while the other one was trying to remove my t-shirt. *cough cough* rape*cough cough*  An evil aura was slowly growing behind the countries who arrived. Finland got out a sword, Russia his iron pipe, Germany his gun.
Germany POV
Your POV
The others looked disgusted by France's actions. France got the message and ran off. Freed from the weight, I got up. Then the mouse jumped out of the t-shirt and scurried away. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes and wtf face. America bursted out in laughter and England immediatly hit him in the back of his head. "Why did you have a mouse ?" I asked menacingly.
"Uhm well they make good decoration to freak people out."
"You git you should have taken a plastic one!" Yelled England. All the other countries looked completely lost in this situation. "Don't worry England. Today is Halloween and I will get my vengance. Anyways I'm hungry who wants Canada's famous pancakes!"
"Who?" Asked everyone. *facepalm*
"You fools, since you can't seem to notice him then I bet you don't notice the pancakes so therefore. They're mine and Canada's." I turned around to find America stuffing them in his face. "I'm going to kill you!"
~ time skip provided by America stuffed face~
"So Japan, you look like a zombie. You already put on your costume?"
"No, I was watching Attack on Titans arr night."
"Not enough horror movies last night?"
"I had to finish it." He sighed. Can't blame him.
America decided then to play a game before the party started and all the decorations were already put up. A few of the countries left home like Canada, China, Italy,Finland,and New Zealand. We split up into two groups: in group one we had America, Germany, France. In team two we had England, Japan, Russia and me. The purpose of the game was to scare off the whole entire opposing team. My team and I headed off to Englands home. "I always lose at this game." Whined England.
"Werr I do have an idea." Told us Japan. (Plan being discussed)
"Perfect! But are you sure it's going to work. I find it far fetched."
"Da. It will work." We had just a few minutes to get ready.
Germany POV
America brought his alien friend Tony. He said it was an assured win and we just had to follow the hero. We arrived to England's house. We entered to be greeted by Russia sitting at the front desk, "Be one with mother Russia, da?" America ran out screaming like a girl taking with him his alien friends. Russia got up and went to the room next door. "Is the incantation ready yet?"
"Almost we already sacrificed the virgin we just have to call out evil in it's purest form."
France and I looked at each other. We both ran to the dimly lighted room. We saw a table sitting in the middle above a pentagram and multiple circles. Witchcraft. On the table laid (y/n) tied up with her eyes rolled back and a katana in her stomach. Fresh blood was flowing out of her like a river. "We call forth the devil. To garanty us victory." Yelled England in a black cape. The circle started to glow. France stumbled back crying. I was shaken up, she can't be dead. It has to be a joke. I was about to reach for my gun when I felt an iron pipe under my throat. Russia was behind me, smiling like a maniac. I tried to break free but it seemed I was too weak. "England you bastard! Stop it!" I felt my heart shatter. Her body started to shake. She removed the bloody sword from her stomach and walked towards us, like she was possesed. She dragged the sword on the floor wuth a bloody trail behind her. Russia threw me on the ground next to France. "Do my bidding devil!" Ordered England. She brought the weapon in the air and swinged it near our heads. I tried looking in her eyes but they were white as snow. She was really dead! I grabbed France and we ran back to America's house. The party had already started. We ran in, I spotted America. "America, something vent vrong during the game."
"What are talking about dude, they sent a message telling us they were coming with a surprise." I turned around, the lights flickered off and the door flew open. She was standing there still holding the katana. The noise died down, we were all standing in absolute silence. France was still crying. Italy then ran up to (y/n).
"Vait Italy! It's dangerous!"
"Vee~ what-a are you talking about." Once his back was turned she brought her weapon in the air. She was about to land a heavy blow on him. Got verdamnt. I ran towards the door but I was taken a back. She hugged him. "Hey Italy! Great party no?"
"(Y-y/n)?" I manage to say.
"Yeah you should see yourself. You have a funny face." I didn't care about the others I ran to her and crushed her in a hug. She returned the hug."There there. I'm sorry, but we did win. Hehe." I didn't even know it but I was crying.
"Come on lets go party!" She grabbed my hand and we ran to the dance floor.
"How did you do all of it?"
"Easy, some make-up, some light effects and some awesome acting skills."
"Did someone call the awesome me?"
"Go away Bruder. But you really did scare us to death."
"So what did we win?"
"Ich weiße nicht."
"America what did we win?"
"Nothing because I'm the hero."
"Jerk, Russia go get him." She whispered. Russia stalked towards America. America spotted him and ran off.
"Muwahaha! VENGANCE!" (y/n) laughed. I quickly planted a kiss on her cheek. "This is your prize." I said as I walked off leaving her dumbfounded.
France POV
How dare he kiss her cheek. I was really worried. I really thought she died. I ran up to her and did the same. There now we are even. Soon she will confesse her love to me.

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