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Prussia POV
The plan had to vork or else vell... you get my drift. 7:45 ...7:46. "Bruder are you ready?"
"Ja, but this t-shirt make me look like I'm to uptight."
"Just hurry up."
I went to the frudge and grabbed all the beers I could find (which was alot). But I chose to take out only 5 so that I could use the excuse I have to get more beer. Germany vame down in some casual clothes, mostly gym clothes. I hope France doesn't find out about this or else he vill cry for days.
The doorbell rang. I made a dash for the door. "Hey (y/n), ready to drink?"
"You betcha!" We headed to the living room. Mein Bruder vas standing up and in a relaxed military stance. Sweatdrop. He better make this work. (Y/n) didn't seem fazed. She bounced next to him and took a seat on the couch. Germany did the same but as far as he could from her. Conversation was slow but the beer was already finished. "Vho drank all the beer? Kesesese. It vas me. I'll go buy some more." I grabbed a jacket and left the house. I should go see Canada.
Your POV
Prussia ran out of the house I guess he's givinge a chance to get closer to Germany. I'll have to thank him later on. "So, how is life?" I have no idea how to start a conversation. Facepalm. "Gut. I believe there is still a few bottles of beer left. I'll go get some." He left and came back with an armfull. "Vant to have a drinking contest?"
"Your on!" I went slowly knowing that I could hold on for a while. But also because Germany drinks them at an amazing rate. I don't know how much he drank but he was slurring. "(Y-y/n)..."
I turned to face him, thats when his lips came crashing down on mine. I was surprised but I didn't push him off. I have been dreaming about this for years. Now that it's happening, I won't say no. This happiness lasted just a few seconds, because Germany slide to the ground wasted. Was that an accident or was he still conscious? Guess I'll find out tomorrow. I wanted to bring Germany upstairs. But let's admit it he was to heavy to carry. And I didn't want to drag him.
I set him up on the couch and covered him with a blanket. I took all the empty bottles and brought them to the kitchen. Then my phone rang. "Hello."
"I know. Isn't that awesome."
"Yeah, I'm throwing a Horror movie night tomorrow and the day after the Halloween party."
"Sure sound great for the party but I don't do horror movies. Sorry."
"You have to come. Pwease."
"Urgh. Fine. I'm going."
"THANKYOUTHANKYOU!" He then hung up on me. His horror night what going to be a disater. I headed back to the the couch and grabbed a few blankets and settled on the floor. ~time skip provided by BEER~
I felt something extra heavy on me. I opened an eye to notice that Germany had fallen on me during his sleep. He was crushing me."G-germany. You're crushing me." He slowly woke up. His cheeks were lightly tinted pink and he still had sleepish eyes. "(Y-y/n) just a little longer." He then laid his head on my neck and snuggled in. To make this a bit more confortable I pushed him on the side so that his weight wouldn't crush me. That's when I slowly drifted back to sleep. I woke up smelling pancakes and bacon. "Uhh... food... Canada...pancakes..." I rolled a few times and looked up. Germany was in a pink apron making breakfast. "FOOD!" I jumped out and hugged him. He looked dazed. "Something wrong?"
"Vell ve vere sleeping together and I'm very sorry!"
"It's fine I let you. You were worn out last night. You did have too much to drink anyways."
"Did something happen?"
"Uh... no...absolutely nothing."
He sighed in relief. Guess it was an accident. At least I don't regret it. I looked at the pancakes and my stomach growled for food. I felt so embarrased, at least he found it amusing because he started to laugh. I blushed "Let's eat, I believe my stomach is demanding food." We both sat down at the table and ate. "It seems I have a message from America." Said Germany as he looked at his cell. "Movies... tonight... bring horror movie."
"Oh yeah he called me last night about it." Germany grabbed a napkin and wipped my face. "You have crumbs on your face."
"Thanks." I said blushing." Well should we get a movie for tonight? Could I also borrow blankets and pillows to hide?"
"I'm kinda scared of horror movies." I said looking at my feet. He lightly chuckled. Great he must think of me of a coward.
"I'll give you some don't worry we should take some for Italy as well. If you want you can use my arm."
"Thanks that would be nice."
We cleaned up our plates and I let Germany take a horror movie from his DVD collection. We then left for America's house with all the stuff.

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