The Beach: test of courage

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Your POV
Today was day two of our trip to the beach. Japan left early to get the game test of courage set up for tonight. He warned us not to go were he was working or we would suffer the wrath of his katana. France and Prussia still went there to see and came back bruised and battered.
Italy and I were on blow out boat big enough for the two of us. Even if the boat was very unstable, I stood up and pointed to the skywhile screaming "I' the pirate king and I sail the seven seas. Hahaha." We were having such a great time that we didn't see England coming up from above. He landed in the middle of the boat. Making us fall out of the boat and into the water. "England, what the hell was that for !". That's when I noticed his clothes. He was dressed like a real pirate, "I'm the only pirate here scallywag. And this is my ship."
" I hate you England! You shall not get away with this mutinery. "
"Actually I shall. And you lass will walk the plank."
"I'm already in the water." I grabbed the side of the boat and pushed with all my might making him fall backwards into the water. Seeing him wet in his costume was hilarious. "Now I understand why you hang out with Prussia so much." Said England as he glared daggers at me. "Ah come on you started it." I do admit it sounded childish but it's true. The day went on with accident like a drowning Italien, England almost killing France and Russia creeping us out by drawing some unmentionable drawings with his iron pipe. The sun was setting on the horizon and we were roasting marshmallow. Germany went with China in the woods all day hiking. I bet Germany was doing it for the sport and China for the food in the China town on the other side of the forest. France and Prussia forgot to put some sunscreen and were pretty badly burned. They were whining every two seconds. It was getting very irritating. Japan arrived in a white kimono and a triangle cloth on his forehead. Basically the typical costume for a japanese ghost. He came towards the circle and explained the rules. "Everyone wirr be in groups of two. You have to stay on the pathway. There shoudn't be any dangers. I choose the groups. Understood?" A series of yes was heard. "So, Russia with China, Prussia with Canada, Engrand with France, Itary with America and finarry Germany with (y/n). I will stay at the entrance and ret you go off by groups. Sharr we go?" We all got up and followed him on a path lighted by candles. We arrived at a gate. Japan got in front of it and named the groups to go in. Germany and were the last. When I passed him we gave me a wink, he planned this. I even spotted a camera in his sleeve. Were doomed. So we entered the path was dimly lighted. The air was fresh. Not to cold, but knowing Japan's horror houses it gave me the chills. We walked near each other but in silence. Ackward. "Hey (y/n), how are you?" I as about to answer his question when we heard a girly scream either France or Italy. We looked at each other and laughed. We faced a few pop outs and fake corpses. We were about to take a a turn when a slimy texture landed on our faces. As I tried to side step it a log made me trip backward. Normally falling down is no big deal but this time there was a small behind it. I stumbled down a bit and landed at the bottom. As I tried getting up and climb the way back up I felt a strong pain in my left ankle. "(Y/n) are you alright." Yelled Germany from on top of the cliff. "Yes, but I twisted my ankle. I can't get up." Germany was carefully climbing down. He was right next to me now. He grabbed my ankle and tried to have a look at it. But there was only the moon light, which was not enough to see my ankle. "Germany it's fine. Go back up I'll find another to get back alright." I looked at him, he had this stern look on his face. He slowly turnes around, "Climb on my back, I'll carry you back." I looked ar him wide eye. This is the moment were I tell myself that I shouldn't have eaten that cake this afternoon. Sigh. "Are you sure?"
"Ja, I won't make any comment on your weight, alright." Ouch that hurts, can he read my mind? I go on his back and put my arms around his neck. The heat that was emiting from his body was enjoyable. He climbed with ease the cliff to get back on the path. Once we were on the path, I taped Germany's shoulder. "You can put me down now. Thank you." Even with the pleas he wouldn't let go. "Your injured. You shouldn't walk around.". A smile was forming on my lips but I felt like a burden to him. I thought I heard a camera clicking. Soon after we saw Japan. Germany put me down and left without a second warning. I looked at Japan and a tear fell down. He nodded and we returned to the hotel. Japan grabbed my ankle and bandaged it up. I looked at him and said a quick thank you. But soon the tears were spilling out. "I'm a failure and a burden. Why am I in love with him if I know that I won't be loved back." I sobbed. Japan got down to my level and wiped off all the tears. He then gave me hug, " It's hard for him but I think he enjoys your company. Don't worry your probabry tired and stressed out. Get some sleep. Good night."
I then fell asleep.
~time skip provided by ships~
I woke up and went to the shower, I redid my bandages and my bags since we were going back home. Breakfast was more ackward than yesterday. We chose to keep the same car plan, which was fine by me. I wasn't up to ralk to Germany. I was basicly ignorin him. He seemed to do the same. I felt my heart being torn in two. For once I stayed quiet during the car trip. I didn't feel like talking. Time felt like it was stopped. It was unbearable. We arrived back at the park. I got my bags and headed back home after saying goodbye. "Stop. (Y/n)!" I turn around and see Germany running towards me. "You shouldn't be walking by yourself. Let me carry your bags."
"No don't worry. I can do it. I don't to be a burden for you." He had a pissed off face when I said that. He ripped the bags out of my hands and picked me up like a princess. "Germany please stop!" He didn't answer but kept walking. We finally made it back to my house. He dropped me off. "Your not a burden to us don't worry." He said as he patted my head. I looked at him and smiled. Once inside I went in the kitchen and huged my brother. "I'm home.". He also patted my head in sign of recognation. What a day.
Germany POV
(While your crying)
I was at the beach. Thinking. I guess my emotions are pretty clear. I'm in love with her. But how can I show her my feelings? I'm really bad at this.
Since I don't know how to proceed I chose the easiest war tactic evade. Yeah not very smart to ignore someone. But now were heading back home
Once there I saw (y/n) leaving so I caught up with her. She was also ignoring me and refuding my orders. But what pissed me off the most is when she called herself a burden. She's no burden. I loved it when she was on my back relying on me. I picked her up like a princess. And carried her back home. "Your not a burden to us don't worry." I ruffled her hair and left. I'll prove to you my worth and love. I better keep my mouth shut in front of mein Bruder, Italy and Japan. Who knows what could happen if they found out.
Japan POV
I have picture for my ship albumand I got tons of them during the test of courage. I even got a whole section with Germany and (y/n). Now it's time for some anime.

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