The wedding

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Your POV
I won't cry. I swear. Oh whatever. Sob.
Finland and Sweden stayed a bit longer than expected. Not that I'm whining about that. When they came back, this house was pure chaos mostly because of Finland and Denmark. Why you ask? Denmark, decided to proclaim himself leader and therefore let all his trash, clothes and useless junk lieing on the ground everywhere. Finland on the other hand was overjoyed. Sweden finally proposed, and of course the answer was yes. So once they got home they planned the wedding. And forcing me to take care of all their paperwork! Jerks. Anyways back to the happy moment. It was a small wedding with familly and friends. Sweden did make me wear a dress. I wanted something with more class. Like a tuxedo. But he refused. At least he didn't make me the flower girl. That would have been embarrasing. Hungary was next to me taking pictures. I was lucky she was here, or else it would have been very ackward for me.
It was so beautiful. The vows were made and it was off to the wedding party it was spectacular. The wedding cake, the danse floor and lots if yummy food! I do like food...hehe. I saw the Axis in the corner and decided to go and join them. When they saw me Japan and Italy left me so that I could be with Germany.
Then a huge blank it was uncomfortable.
"So do you want to dance a bit?"
"Warum nicht?"
We both headed off on the dance floor. While Sweden was rocking the dance floor with Finland and Denmark was already dead drunk at the bar.This night was so awesome I got to dance all night with the sexiest man alive.
"You know vhat tommorow is?"
"Uhm... I don't know?"
"April fools and you know what can happen. I vould like you to stay inside."
"I feel that my Bruder and his friends may pull something. So be careful."
With that being said he left, leaving me all alone on the dance floor.
I was so dumb founded that I left for home. Once I got there I went to bed.

France POV
I was with Spain and we were planning a great plan for a party tommorow...
To do it I had to sneak in peoples houses to get the necessary. This time I was in the Nordic's house. I can't wait to watch (y/n) sleep. I slowly entered her bedroom. Crap, I have a damn nosebleed. She's just so perfect.
I should go soon before something happens. But I don't want to leave.

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