The beach: sharks

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Your POV
I woke up to the morning rays. But my surroundings weren't what I was used to see. Oh, yeah I'm at the hotel and were at the beach. I quickly tossed the blankets away and got ready for the day. I headed downstairs to the breakfast area. On the way I met up with Japan and England guess were the firsts ones down. We walked down and ate our breakfast. Russia, Canada and Germany came down afterwards. We all ate in silence. So awkward. Finally the rest of the group arrived. Italy broke the silence with his endless chatter and arm movements. When we were finished we grabbed a few bags with food, blankets and all the toys for the beach. As we were heading out Italy, Prussia and I started running for the beach. Once we arrived, it was empty." Yay, we got the beach to ourselves." I yelled as I jumped up and down. America placed a few umbrellas not too far away from the barbecue area. China and England were laying down some blankets for us to sit on. Italy already removed a good part of his clothes and jumped in the water. "Come on (y/n), the water is fine!" he yelled. I removed my clothes to reveal a green bikini. I placed them on the edge of the blanket. I ran to the water and let the water slide on my feet. The sky was blue just like the water. So pretty. I took a few strides in the water not too far away from Italy when I heard my name being screamed out by a very obnoxious American. I turn around and see him speeding in my direction. Before I could react, his arm went around my waist and plunged me in the cold water. I kept my eyes open and saw him grinning at me. Once I resurface, I gasped for air. I looked to America who was grinning. In the distance we could hear England yelling at America that what he did was rude and un gentlemen like. All he could do was laugh. Me being in a very bad mood after that cruel joke. I grabbed his neck with my arm, armhook, and plunged him in the water. He was thrashing around but I kept him in the water. "(y-y/n)!" Italy stuttered. "He's going to die if you keep up."

"Nah, he'll be fine." Before I could push him down in further he pulled me in the water and put me on his shoulders. "Ack, put me down! This instant America!" I screamed. Afterward he put me back down and we kept on having fun in the water. When I was looking around I couldn't see Prussia or France. Their part of the BTT, even if it's two thirds, they are still very mischievous I got of the water and joined Italy, who was building a sand castle. I sat next to him and tried making my own sand castle. I looked and saw Japan and Germany doing training, do they ever take a break? England and China were sitting under the umbrellas. Russia, Canada and America were in the water diving in to see the wildlife. When I looked back at Italy he was done. "Whaaat?! You built a spaghetti dish out of sand!"

"Vee isn't pretty?"

"Uhm yeah, it's really cool. I feel kinda suckish with my petty castle here." Then he returned to the sea . "Hey, Italy!" I yelled. He turned around and smiled. "You have a crab on your head.". He grinned and looked at the beach. "Hey, do you-a want to play beach volley."

"Sure, that sounds like a great idea." We both went around and asked who wanted to play it seemed that everyone wanted to play except the two missing people and England and China. We made the teams. I was Italy and we were facing Germany and Japan. We lost by a landslide, Italy would always run away from the ball when it came to him. Sigh. I should take another partner next time. Germany, America and Russia were making bets on who would reach the rock that was not too far from the beach. "Sunflower, could you go to the rock and see come's in first place please?"

"Sure Russia, give me a minute to get there." I jumped back in the water and swam towards the rock on the way I was greeted by two sharks. "Guys, don't get in the water! THERE'S SHARKS!!" I screamed. "(y/n) get out of the water." Yelled Germany. I started to swim back the shore, panicking. Germany jumped in the water and came to help me out but once he was in arm reach he tripped on a rock and ripped off the top of my bikini. My first thought was to hide my breast and to hid in the water. I was blushing like mad. I turned around to see were the sharks were but one of them was having a major nose bleed and left making the other one leave as well. So weird. When I looked back to the guys they were all blushing. Making me blush some more and go deeper in the water. Germany removed his t-shirt and handed it to me to wear. It was to big but at least it covered my breast. This is so humiliating. I got out of the water and headed back on the beach Russia and America were bringing logs and making a circle around the campfire. We all sat down and ate lunch while talking about how awesome of a day it was and we didn't bring up my little incident. England was singing this creepy campfire song that reminded me of a summoning spell for the devil. America and China was yelling telling them to stop. Suddenly a huge boat came with Italy's grandfather singing. Italy woke up saying "Grampa Rome" and once he left fell back asleep. This is so enjoyable. Japan got up and asked if we were all up for a test of courage tomorrow we all looked at him and agreed to his game. Soon afterwards Prussia and France came back. France had some tissues in his nose. "Vhere vere you Bruder?" Germany asked. "Novhere, don't vorry about me. Kesesese.". With that being said he and France went back to the hotel. We looked at each other wondering what hapen to them. Germany was on edge I wonder why? 

France POV

Prussia and I we went early in the morning to the beach. Prussia bought a few costume that looked like sharks and hid on a rock not too far from the shore we stayed hidden there until (y/n) was swimming in our direction we pulled on the costume and slid in the water in her direction. Dududududun I was singing in my head. Germany jumped in the water and swam towards her. Crap were screwed. Germany tripped on a rock and ripped off her bikini top. NOSEBLEED!! RETREAT RETREAT!! We swam back to the rock, and sat down. My nosebleed kept running. Prussia was laughing at me. But he quickly quieted down. We stayed in the silence and watched the sunset. We headed back to the beach. I heard Japan proposing to play a test of courage. Maybe I can get closer to (y/n). With that being said I headed to the hotel.

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