The cage

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Your POV

Why does my back hurt ? Why is there a fence in front of my face? Why am I not in my bedroom?

Okay now I'm panicking! Where am I ? Am I in a cage? What the hell! I was frantically trying to get the lock off the door. That's when France came in the room.

"Bien dormie mon coeur?"

"What the ...hell France, get me out of this cage. This instant!"

"Non. You belong to me and not that German ape."

"I love Germany and I'm sorry but I don't want to break up with him."

"Well do't worry you'll learn to love me in a given time. I brought you breakfast, hope you like fresh croissants."

"You can stuff your stupid croissants in your ass for all I care, let me out!"

"Tsk tsk  such language shouldn't come out of such a pretty mouth."

He left my breakfast outside of the cage but still in arms length. He then left the room. I didn't touch the food, I was too angry to eat. I tried everything to leave this awful cage, and when I mean everything I really mean everything, screaming, pulling and hitting the bars, biting them at one moment but we'll ignore that... 

After an eternity of waiting and being bored, France came back. 

"That cage really doesn't suit you." he said. I was really hoping that he would let me out but I shouldn't get my hopes up. Because he left soon after saying it. He came back in the room shirtless and carrying cute little pillows and teddy bears. Anything cute that he could find. He passed them threw the bars filling my tight space even tighter. Seriously I had literally no room to move anymore.

"There you look even cuter now."

"This is ridiculous, you can't keep me locked up in here my entire life!"

"No, you don't understand I love you and... and I know that you love me but you're afraid of Germany's wrath that's why I put you in a cage to protect you from that beast."

"I think that you are doing drugs, everything you're saying is madness."

"I think you're tired and you need to eat, don't worry no one will find you nor hurt you." He left a plate of food and left. I was really hungry and so I ate a bit. I started to feel dizzy and the darkness started to swallow me. 

~time skip provided by Amnesia ~

I woke up and another plate of food was at my disposal. I grabbed the plate and ate a bit. After awhile my head felt heavy and I went back to sleep.

France's POV

I may have drugged her food just to keep her calm while I gazed at her beautiful face. This was so soothing, I was sitting on a couch close to the cage sipping a Bordeaux wine. I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket. It was Prussia.


"France was got major issues, (y/n) is missing. We can't find her and Sweden and Germany are going crazy. You got to come with us and help search for her!"

"I'm on my way!" I knew where (y/n) was but if I didn't help with the search people will start suspecting me. I grabbed my favorite coat and headed out to Prussia's house. Once I arrived I could see so many other nations coming to help with the search. Not long after arriving, Spain came up to me with a worried look. 

"I can't believe that (y/n) disappeared. It's not in her nature to be gone like that and not tell anyone." He looked truly worried for her. I would tell him that she's perfectly safe but I knew that was risky. i want (y/n) for myself. We were quietly talking when Prussia, Germany, Finland and Sweden came out all four of them looked so devastated and tired. Germany looked beat like he was running around for days, Sweden on the other hand looked like he hasn't sleep for weeks feeling that he wasn't worthy enough to protect his family. I found out from Spain that Germany was looking for (y/n) ever since they found out she was missing. I guess he didn't try looking at my place. We began searching for (y/n) all day. 

~time skip provided by Germany's messy hair~

The day was nearing its end and the sun was setting down. I followed Germany, Prussia and Spain to a bar. The Germanic brothers had beer while Spain and I had wine. Germany was so depressed that he was guzzling down beers at a humongous rate and therefor becoming drunk. I on the other hand was quite happy that no one figured out my plan. I went home as light as a feather. I went to the bedroom to check up on my lovely angel, sleeping peacefully. I just wished that she was a bit more docile and went out with me instead of Germany. that stupid brutish German ape. 

Things are going steadily and weeks passed on by. I lessened the amount of sleeping pills. (y/n) is calming down and is often more awake. She is still weary of me but she doesn't yell and won't do anything. She's like a plant, she  is well nourished but does nothing and just looks pretty... At least I am the only man alive allowed to watch her beauty all day long. Practically all the countries gave up on searching for (y/n). Germany and Sweden haven't given up. I was enjoying a glass of white wine when I heard the doorbell ringing. I went downstairs to find Spain at my door.

"Hola amigo!" 

"Salut mon ami!"

"Care to drink with me, Prussia can't come he is worried sick. Germany looks a lot like a zombie."

"I can understand his concern." 

We headed off to the living room and grabbed a few bottles and we drank and drank and drank some more. We ended up completely drunk.

Spain's POV

After drinking bottle after bottle, we both couldn't stand up. I really needed to got o the bathroom at one point and France was asleep. I got up and went upstairs not knowing were to go. I opened a door it was the study, then another a bedroom and so on. But I opened one door and saw a bed and a cage, perfectly normal. Wait what a cage with pillows and teddy bears. I wobbled over and saw that inside the cage was (y/n). How long has she been there? I grabbed my phone and quickly called Prussia.


"Prussia, (y/n) is in France's house locked up in a cage come quickly."


I didn't have to wait long, in less then 15 minutes Germany and Prussia were and France's doorsteps. They didn't wait to barge in threw the door. France was now wide awake wondering what was going on. After clearing his head from the alcohol he figured out why the two Germans were here for. I made a quick hand sign for them to come upstairs. France tried to stop them. But failed miserably when Germany punched his face. Once in the room Germany soften up when he saw his love was alright but angry at the man who did this. Spain opened the cage while Germany was beating the hell out of France.

"Why did you lock her in a cage for, she's not an animal." Germany yelled.

"I wanted to keep her for myself I don't understand why she would go out with you instead of me."

"It's not a reason to go and kidnap people." 

"But I love her!"

"Are you sure?"

"Oui, mille fois oui!"

"Prove it."

"She likes tea and a good book. She calls me her little frog and even if it sound gross I find it adorable!" by now he was hugging himself making smoochy faces.

"You pretty much described England... since England rejected you, you placed your love on (y/n)."

"Wait what, are you serious? England never rejected me and I don't like that black sheep of Europe!"

"Sure, keep on telling yourself you don't love him."

"Well this is awkward." Prussia said "I didn't see that one coming. Let get (y/n) back home."

With that being said Germany picked up the sleeping girl and walked out of the house with a relieved smile. Before leaving Germany turned around ant told France 

"Don't worry we'll make sure to let everyone know what you did so you can get vhat you deserved."

France slumped down and buried his face in his hands.

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