The adoption and the pool

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Your POV

"So why all the paper work. Usually you do that in your office, Sweden."

"Well it's actually very important documents that will bring us immense joy."

"What we are kicking out Denmark? Finally, I've been hoping for this my whole entire life!"

"Hey that was uncalled for!" Yelled the annoyed danish.

"No, we're adopting."

"Please, let it be a cat. Pretty please with a lot of ice cream and cherries." I mumbled.

"Nope silly, a country. Sealand to be more precise." Finland explained. I saw my world crumble into bits.

"I understand that you just got married and you want kids but this is too fast you just came back for your honeymoon yesterday !"

"We're impatient to have him live with us !" Finland said gleefully.

"Sis... it appears that Sealand will be arriving in two days." Sweden informed me.

"Wait isn't it the same day as the world conference? Don't tell me I have to do that all over again ?!"

"No, this time you'll stay at home and welcome Sealand in his new house." Sweden answered.

"Urgh I don't want to babysit a kid... Can't I just sleep in and let the little bugger fend for himself?"

"No!" screeched Finland.

"Alright I guess I can take care of him."

"What about me? Will you take care of me ?" asked Denmark.

"Forget it. I'll take him out somewhere so that he won't get bored."

"Good idea. What about the pool?" proposed Finland.

"Sure why not, I could finally use that new bikini I just bought."

I went upstairs and started to ready the towels and everything we would need when we would go to the pool. My phone started to ring notifying me that I had a message. I looked at the my screen, it was Germany. I still couldn't believe it, we were going out. Squeal ! I looked at his message he wanted to meet up today at his house. Once the bag was finished, I grabbed what I needed and head off towards Germany's house.

~time skip provided by Sealand's quote " I'm a country !"~

I finally arrived at his house. I fidgeted when I knocked on his door. When the door was finally opened it looked like it was about to be ripped off form it's hinges. It was ...Prussia. Dammit why him?

"Hi Prussia, how are you?"

"Fine, fine. Here to see Vest ?"

"Yes, is he here?"

"Ja, I locked him inside his bedroom. Here is the key." Prussia said smirking as he handed me the key. then he ran off without a second warning. I entered the house cautiously. I slowly walked up the stairs and headed towards Germany's bedroom. I place the key in the lock and turned it. I grabbed hold of the doorknob and turned it. The door creaked as I slowly pushed it to reveal the contents hidden inside. Germany was sitting crossed legged on the bed naked and handcuffed. a pillow was the only thing hiding the Kaiser's jewels.

"Ah, uhm, (y/n). Could you please help me out of this. If I ever got my hands on my Bruder it will be the end of him."

"How am I supposed to free you from the handcuffs?" Germany started to blush.

"Uhm well the key is under the pillow..." His face so red right now just like mine.

"Why does Prussia enjoy tormenting us all the time?"

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