The Beach: Car ride

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Germany POV
Two days passed by and we were all getting ready for the trip. I later found out that all the allied and the axis were going and the two extra were Prussia and (y/n). Our lugage were already made and we were heading out to our rendez-vous at the location near the park. Prussia and I could see all the allies and Japan. Guess Italy and (y/n) are still not there. Late as usual. Sigh. We dropped our bags and we were deciding the best route to take. Not long afterwards we noticed the italian dragging (y/n) by the hand. She had a small suitcase and a lunch pack. She was a but sluggish guess she still hasn't completly recovered from her cold. "Yay, dudes your here. Did you make the sandwiches like I asked you (y/n) ?" America asked.
"Yup. And some snacks just to be sure."
"Since I'm the hero I get to make the seating arrangements so in the first car their is me, England, France, Russia and (y/n). I am the designated driver. Afterwarf in car 2 we have Germany as the driver, Prussia, Canada, Italy, Japan and China. Everyone ready to go!" Screamed a very exicted americain. A series of screams were accompanied and everyone loaded into the cars. I watched (y/n) leaving with the allies. My emotions are so jumbled up I don't know what I'm suppose to be feeling. I grabbed the stearing wheel a bit to tight. Italy noticed it and asked, "You would rather have (y/n) with-a us, no?"
I lpoked at him teying to find a decent excuse but I had nothing. Italy kept on talking non-stop, just like China and Prussia. They sure are noisy. I blocked off all the exces npise and focused on the road ahead of us. But at the same time worrying a bit for her safety and my feeling tpwards her.
France POV
Je suis trop content. I am sitting right next to my beloved one. She looks just like an angel and I will finally taste her cooking. She was between me and Russia. God he gives me the creeps. America is driving and arguing with England over which exists to take. How childish. (Y/n) was chatting with Russia about sunflowers and Belarus, strange conversation. But Russia and I noticed that she was slightly dozing off. Russia lightly hrabbed her head and put it on his shoulder while saying, "Become one with mother Russia, da?". She didn't give him a response, sonce she was fast asleep in his arms. I tried snatching her away from the brute so that she would acknowledge my existance but a dark aura appeared behind Russia and he threaten me not to wake her up or I would be on severe contact with his iron pipe. I could feel a chill in my back when he said that. "Leave her alone frog face, she was sick just a few days ago let her rest."
"Don't worry France. England was also sick from his cooking. Hahaha." Obnoxialy laughed America.
"Shut up wanker. And look at the road you gitt."
"I am not a frog face, je suis une beauté."
"Sorry France you are a frog face." Replied America. The fight continued all the way ti the beach. Once we arrived, we unloaded the bags and handed them to the valets to bring it to our rooms, each of us were bunking with some else. I got stuck with England. (Y/n) is all by herself maybe I'll go to her room tonight to keep her compagny. Ohonhonhon. By the way where is she. Speaking of the wolf here she comes... asleep in Russia's arms. Argh, c'est pas juste. "I'll bring here to her room." Witj that beibg said he left us there in the dirt. I was so mad at him. I was suppose to be prince charming not him. I grabbed my stuff and left myself for my room.
Prussia POV
In streched out my soar limbs. I mostly talked with Canada on the way here . Such a sweet boy compared to my brother who was pissed off and ignoring me. Who would ever dare to ignore the awesome me. Tch. We finished removing all the lugage from the car and I looked around for (y/n). She was nowhere in sight until I looked in Russia's as and saw her. Both mein Bruder and France were fuming with anger when they saw her like that. So is mein Bruder being honest with his feelings and France has a crush on (y/n). This has to go in my diary. Kesesese. "Let's go Gildbird. We have some planning to do."

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