Christmas eve

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Your POV
Sweden pushed their vacation after the familly christmas party and before America's party. I fear I may get sick from all the weird and diabetic cakes. I placed the Nordic's presents under the tree while I gathered all the rest to bring them to the post office. I should leave the Axis one's here. I am seeing them later. After dropping them off, I headed to Spain's café.
"Hello Spain!"
"Hola chica! What do you want to have."
"Oh, I know churros and hot chocolate."
"Coming right up. Prussia and France may be coming by soon!"
"Oh joy!" I don't want to see them so soon. I hope France forgot about the "date". Spain brought by my order. And not a second later, the trio was reunited. "Bonjour ma chérie."
"Hallo Frau."
"Hey guys!"
"Vhat are you doing all alone? That is very unawesome!"
"Taking a break. Christmas eve is a mess at my place so I get out as much as I can."
"So chérie, when do you want to go out on our date?"
I almost choked on my drink. "Uh wait you really weren't joking?"
"Non, pourquoi?"
I looked at the two other guys for help. They looked at me like they were deers about to be hit by a car. "Uh, when do you want to go?"
"Yeah, not today. What about the 28th."
"Oui!" Before he could tackle me into a hug, Spain dragged him away.
"So Frau, vhat vas that?"
"Well he saw me christmas shopping and wanted a gift. He chose a date as his gift."
"Vell that's not surprising."
"Why not?"
"Nothing." He said as he added his signature laugh. I sighed in frustration "I don't really want to go with him."
"Vhat about mein Bruder."
I raised an eyebrow "Are you awesome?"
"Ja of course!"
"There's your answer."
"Do I get a gift too?"
"Of course Prussia. You should get it soon. Don't open it up as soon as you get it, understood?"
"Jawohl!" As he did an army salute. I looked back at France and Spain, then back at Mr. Awesomness. "Can you kill me?"
"Nein, Germany won't be happy."
"Oh, shoot. I have to go home now. Bye guys and merry christmas in advance."
I rushed back home. From time to time I would slip and slide on the ice. The cold was nipping at my nose. Why does it have to be so cold in winter? I removed all the excess snow from my coat and hair before entering the house. To say I was surprised was to put it really lightly.
Iceland was calling over Den, to which he answered "Ya."
As he did that, Sweden was watching at the corner of the hallway, with a harsh glare. That's when his face lit up like he was thinking "That's it!". He left the corner and faced Denmark, "Den!! Hand!!". He yelled as he thrusted his hand.
Denmark answered with a simple "K.", as he placed his hand in Sweden's. Sweden's face went from neutral to a sense of superiorityand a smirk apeared on his lips. Making Denmark blush and say "... Sweden.", he got out his battle ax and started to chase my brother. "SWEDEN, what the hell!! I'M NOT A DOG!"
(Reading in Sweden's mind)
-f only 'e w's allways like that!
Durin that time Icand and I looked at the two running buffoons with a wtf face. Now the good part. Norway stuck out his foot making Den fall flat on his face with a thud. "Ah! Ouch! Noooor! What 're you doin'? I got a bump." He said as he cried. His only answer was "Den Hand." Accompagnied with a scary aura. "Huh? Wha? Why? Ah my body moves on its own!"
I bet Norway's troll is to blame.
Norway smirked as he said "Yes!" He sat down on the couch while Denmark was on his knees in front. "This here is my pet don't share with everyone."
Denmark was baffled "!? N-no! Man, that's not -."
I gave up on this group. Why did I fall in this ackward and weird familly? I sighed. And they say I have to grow up. I headed to the kitchen to make myself some cookies.
~time skip provided by Finland santa costume~
I got the cookies out of the oven and set them on the cooling rack I headed upstairs and put on some winter clothes and some boots. I grabbed the Axis's gifts and headed back to the kitchen. I put the the cookies in three individual bags. Which I then added in my purse. I was lucky I had a bit of fabric left to make myself a scarf.
"Bye guys, see you tomorrow!" I was meeting up with Germany at the town square near the christmas tree.
Germany POV
Italy, Japan and I were waiting for (y/n). The square was packed with couples. Japan was trying to explain to us this strange event by refering the couples to japanese bees in heat around a queen bee. Or something along those line. I just hope she will be able to find us. Not long afterward I see someon pushing around the couples in our direction. "Guys! I'm here. Weez. Too many people here!"
Italy grabbed her in for a hug. "Vee you smell-a like cookies."
"Yeah, I made some for you."
She rummaged a bit in her purse and brought out three identical bags of christmas cookies.
"Wait, I'm not done!" She plunged back into her bad and pulled out some presents. "Here's Japan's, this one is for you Italy and yours Germany." She said as she gave them out. Italy tore threw the gift wrap like a child. He got a t-shirt that said "I surrender!". Japan opened his as if the paper was fine porcelin. He got a collection of Disney tsum tsum along with a few ghibli studio plushies. I opened carefully mine, it contained a pair of hand knitted gloves and scarf that looked exactly like hers and my favorite book series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, right under. I was really surprised, compared to the others my gift was mostly hand made. I put on my gloves and scarf. They were really soft and confortable. "Hey we're matching!" Exclaimed (y/n). Her smile was so pure and warm I eanted to hug her and kiss her.
"Grazie, it's a great gift! But-a I don't have anything for you."
"It's fine don't worry about it."
I felt so bad I didn't have anything for her.
"So what are goin to do tomorrow?" Asked Japan.
"Well we open the presents at lunch and we spend the day with our familly. Then at dinner we stuff our faces and head of to the sauna! What about you guys?"
"I-a decorated the wholr place with christmas lights and I'll eat alot of pasta!"
"I sharr stay home and rerax."
"Prussia and I drink beer. (Y/n) are you going to America's christmas party?"
"Yes I am! What about you guys?"
"Si, I hope it will be fun!"
At least I'll be able to come up with a gift for her. I'll ask Hungary maybe she has an idea.

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