Japan's maid/butler café

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Your POV

The morning was rough, I found myself in a fight with my blankets. I landed with a thud on the ground. Geez, why are morning so difficult? I got up and headed downstairs, Norway and Iceland were already awake and at the table. "Good morning guys, how did you sleep?"

"It was okay a bit noisy in Sweden's room, apart from that it was relaxing." answered Norway, while Iceland was giving Mister Puffin his fishes. Once done, I went and got ready for my day at work. Japan sent me the direction via message so I followed, right, left, strait, turn left, CRAP I took the wrong turn. I have no orientation even with a map*sigh*. I finally arrived a few minutes before the opening of the shop. It was a mixture of European and Japanese style. It's so cute here. The place was really well kept, it flashed in every direction the Japanese man and the Italian man's style. Not long after arriving I see Japan, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and China. "Herro (y/n), we made you a maid outfit, it's in the changing room." Japan said. I nodded and headed towards the dressing room. I got in and noticed my locker, I almost screamed when I saw my maid outfit it was so adorable. I quickly slipped it on and spun a few time just for fun. I walked back out to see all of them staring at me. "So how does it look?"

"Bella you look so cute, in that dress." Italy screamed

"Hai, it's really good on you." Japan added. The other ones all nodded in approval. "So China and Turkey will take care of the kitchen, Italy, (y/n) and I will take care of the customer. (y/n) do you know how to make parfaits?" asked Japan. "Uhm, yeah I can manage. Uh, I think." Japan grabbed me to the counter while everyone went to their assigned post. Japan took the time to teach me how to make a perfect maid parfaits. After that he told me how to greet the customers. "Do I really have to say that it sounds so embarrassing?" Before he could answer a few costumers came in and I had to wait on them.

~Time skip provided by japan in a maid outfit~

Work was wonderful, I didn't have to many customers so it was pretty smooth. The door tingled telling me we had a new customer. After setting down another customer's food I headed for the door. "Hello Master welcome to the café." I recited with a bow. Once I looked up I saw ... GERMANY. Oh my god I going to die from embarrassment. Why is he here? I guess it was too soon to say that everything was going well. I hate you fate. "Hello Germany, what can I do for you?" I asked, I think I just saw Germany blush, impossible I must be day dreaming since Germany never blushes. "Italy and Japan invited me, telling me that there was a surprise waiting for me." he explained. I nodded and led him toward a table. "Wait!!" I heard behind me. "Oh hello masters, it's good to see you two." I said to Prussia and Spain who were trying to catch their breath.

"Romano is coming too. He's just a bit slow." Spain told me.

"What the hell bastard how could you leave me behind." screamed a very pissed off italien.

"Not my fault. The awesome me couldn't keep up with my Bruder." Screamed an energetic Prussian.

"So two tables, one for the brothers and another for Spain and Romano, does that sound alright." I try to calm everyone down, luck was on my side because everyone went to a table. I hand them each a menu and sat down behind the counter after that. Before I could sit down the bell rang again. I headed to the door to see a man in weird clothing. I guess he doesn't want to stand out from the crowd. Guess that's a failure for him. "Hello master, welcome to the café." I tried to say without backing away. God what a creep. "Please follow me." I thought I felt his eyes boring threw my back. I brought him to a table, I even thought that he was laughing behind my back. Once his menu was given I ran back. I literally shiver when I saw him. "(y/n), what wrong?" Japan came around.

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