The cottage

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Your POV
Well a week went by very quickly and I found myself already packed up and in the car to go get Canada. I stopped the car right in front of his house and opened the door to the trunk. I walked towards his door and knocked not a second passed that the door opened. He had a bag, a car seat and Kumajirou. I grabbed his bag and set it in the car. He placed his bear in the back and sat in the passenger seat. "Ready for a road trip?"
~time skip provided by Kumajirou~
After 3 hours of driving we finally made it to the cottage. I quickly got out of the car and streched my sore limbs. "It's official, I hate road trips." I reached for the key and opened the foor to reveal a finnish interior with swedish furniture from IKEA. There was a bit of dust here and there guess it won't take long. "Let's head to the store to get some food." We went back in the car, to my dismay, and headed to the store. Once there we bought everything we needed for the week. We finished paying and went back to the cottage. "I'm starting to get a bit tired." Yawned Canada.
"Me too. We'll something make the bed, turn on the heat and then go to bed. Sound's like a good plan." I said yawning as well. Yawning is very contagious. We unloaded the groceries and Canada started making dinner, while I went to turn on the heat. I looked at thrhe machine and turned it on. But it wouldn't work. Just great. I hope we have enough blankets. "Hey, Canada. Do you have gas? Because the heater is broken."
"Yes its working. I know someone who can fix it should I give them a call?"
"Sure that would be great. I'll go make the beds."
Canada POV
I switched my phone on and went threw my contacts. There it is. "Hallo, this is the awesome me."
"Hey Prussia it's Canada. (Y/n) and I are in a cottage in the mountain and we have a heater issue. Could you help us?"
"Ja, I'll bring mein Bruder with me. Can't leave him alone. Vait it's you two for how long?"
"Well a week. Why?"
"Ve'll crash the party!"
Before I could ask what he was talking about, Prussia hung up. What have I done? (Y/n) came downstairs,"Done. So when are they coming?"
"Don't know. They didn't say."
"Perfect. Let's watch TV. So what will it be? What about Soul Eater or D. Gray Man?"
"Let's go for D. Gray Man."
She turned on the TV and it was the weather channel with a alert warning. Serious snowstorm coming, be ready. That's not good .
~time skip provided by the END bomb(D. Gray Man)~
Three hours passed by like a flash. Then the heard a knock at the door. (Y/n) got up, I kept on hugging Kumajirou. She headed to the door. Once she opened it she yelled "ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN!"
"VHERE!" screamed Prussia.
"Prussia is that you? Canada don't tell me you called him to fix the problem. He creates problems."
"Hey that was so unawesome."
"Come on in we can't let you freeze to death, do we?" The brothers both came in and removed their coats. "So... we have a bit of a problem here. I only have two beds and one is mine and the other is Canada's. What are we going to do?"
Your POV
"Vell I will sleep with Canada and West can sleep with you."
I blushed really badly.
"Vait, I'll sleep on the couch."
I sighed in relief but at the same time I was dissapointed. I headed upstairs and grabbed a few blankets and pillows and brought them down for Germany. The other two already went to bed. "Are you going to be alright?"
"Ja don't worry."
I headed back to my room and fell asleep.
(Next day)
Germany and Prussia qere trying to fix the heater, while Canada was cutting wood just in case. I was out doing more grocery shopping since we had two extra mouths to feed. I also bought a few stuff in case we really did have a blizzard. The sky was clear, we couldn't see a cloud. But I knew better. It's better to be prepared and nothing happens then to have nothing and suffer the worse situation possible. Once I got back there, I put away all the food and let Canada cook. I grabbed the ladder and climbed my way to the roof. I made a few steps on the roof when I heard my name. "(Y/n), vhere are you?" I looked, it was Prussia.
"Up here." I waved. I slid a bit because on the snow making the roof a bit slippery.
"Vhat are doing!?"
"Have to clean the chimeny in case if we have to use the fireplace."
"Don't vorry we will fix it." He boasted. Before he could ramble on Germany came out "Bruder, vhat are you doing slacking off like that?"
"I vas talking to (y/n)."
"Vhat? She's not here."
"Hello up here."
He looked around before his laid on the roof and spotted me. That's when pure horror was plastered on his face.
"Get down from there."
"No, I have to clean."
"You'll get hurt."
I rolled my eyes and continued my trek to the top. In a few minutes I was done. "There it's done. I'm coming down." For some reason I didn't want to go down on the ladder but do something reckless. "Germany did you clear out the driveway?"
"Nein it was Canada."
Perfect. I climbed as close as I could to the pile on snow that Canada gathered. I threw a snowball at Germany to catch his attention. When I saw him looking at me I pushed off my feets and threw my body towards the snow pile. "Weeeeee!!!"
"(Y/N)!" Germany screamed out of fear. I landed on the snow and slid off of it. "Ouch, I hurt my bottom." I said as I rubbed it. Germany came running towards me. "Vhat the hell vere you thinking? You could have gotten hurt!" He kept on scolding me for hours. "For the millionth time I'm sorry!" Night was quickly falling and the snow as well. We had potatoes and sausages for dinner curtesy of Prussia. All except Prussia, we all ate in silence. I looked at Canada but he was giving Prussia 100% of his attention and Germany was glaring at me. Why?! * Sob sob*. I grabbed the empty plate and started to wash them in cold water. "Germany?"
"Were you able to fix the heater?"
"Nein, I don't have all the parts." Before I could tell him where to find them the lights turned off.

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