The dream date

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Germany POV
Mission number one: kick out Prussia for the night: accomplished.

Mission number two: make dinner: accomplished thanks to the help of Japan and Italy.

Mission number three: have a movie and popcorn: accomplished I went for Deadpool.
Last but not least, 

Mission number four: make the bed and clean the room, just in case.: accomplished.

This date will go smoothly. I just know it. I still have one more hour before she arrives. I'll go take a shower. The warm water was running all over my body it felt so good. As I left the shower I grabbed a towel and went to my room... what am I going to wear. After staring at my closet for a century I went for a casual look.  A white slim T-shirt and plain jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, Mein Gott I look so ... so ... pathetic, I should go get changed.  I should also comb my hair back.

But too late it was already time and (y/n) was having a blast with the doorbell. I quickly rushed downstairs and to the door. I grabbed the door handle and ripped the door open. (y/n) was standing  there in a simply dark blue dress and flats. Even if it was simple it was very cute. My eyes could not leave her. With a simple glance I notice flowers on the table next to her I grabbed them and handed them over. 

"Here vor you." I mumbled.

"Thank you for the ... dandelions?" She asked.

Crap those were the flowers that I was going to use to make some coffee.

I showed her in the house. 

"Shall ve go eat."

"Yes please."

As I went to the kitchen I saw a note, 

"Dear Germany-san , we hope that you'll have a great date with (y/n)-chan. We made PASTA , well Italy did I made some sweets for desert. Please have a great evening." Signed Italy and Japan.

Pasta again, ugh one day I'm going to get sick of pasta . If Italy ever heard me say that he would start a hissy fit.

(y/n) sat down and looked at the food and back up at me,

"Let me guess Italy made this."

"Ja." I sighed "I wanted something special and I was thinking that Bratwurst and potatoes are not very romantic."

"I wouldn't have minded."

i was surprised that she didn't need a special dinner or any of that stuff, she made me smile. I was very lucky to have met someone like her. I couldn't have asked for more. We ate while chatting about our lives and our brothers. We really enjoyed ourselves. Once we were done I cleaned up the table while she was settling down on the couch. I quickly went to the couch to join her. I sat down on the other end of the couch. 

"Is there a problem Germany? You know I don't bite, and well I like to ... uh never mind." she said blushing.

"Vhat? I don't understand."

"I said it was nothing."

I slowly slid  next to her as soon as I did that she placed her head on my shoulder. 

"Comfortable?" I asked.

"Yes very."

I was enjoying the movie until I realized that (y/n) was asleep. I chuckled a bit. I picked her up and put her in my bed. I was hesitating, should I sleep with her in the same bed or should I sleep in an another bed. Urgh how difficult. I was so stressed out I went to my desk and took care of some paperwork. Finally I too fell asleep but on my desk. Not very comfortable I might add.

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