The worst date

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Your POV
I was so glad that Sweden left, because it's already hard for me to go out on a date with France. I don't need him to make everything ten times worse.
I didn't really dress up. It was a simple black dress with white tights and a simple jacket. The weather was super cold but knowing France it was going to be somewhere fancy. At least what I was wearing wasn't screaming out "rape me". I am starting to regret this date idea. He should be picking me up in a few moments. At that exact moment someone knocked at the door. "I'll get it!" I called.
"Bonjour ma chérie. Are you ready?"
"Yes." I answered with no enthusiasm. He lead me towards his black Porsche.
"So where are we going?" I asked.
"Somewhere magical..."
I hope it's not a magician for three year old.
The sun was already setting and the temperature was dropping really quickly. I hope were not eating outside. We soon arrived to a huge french restaurant. I got in the car and we drove off into the night. After a few minutes we finally arrived at a french restaurant. A waiter brought us to a secluded corner and lets us get settled.

"Shouldn't we receive a menu?" I asked

"Non, I already ordered for the both of us!" France answered with joy in his voice.

We didn't have to wait long before they brought over the entré. To my horror it was snails...SNAILS! As France jumped on them hungrily, I lost my appetite.
"(Y/n), chérie, are you not hungry?"
"I'm fine, really."
He shrugged and kept on eating. Afterwards was the soup. It looked pretty good, so I gave it a taste. After my first spoonful there was a murky taste, I set down my spoon. A piece of meat soon floated to the top.
"What kind of meat is this?"
"Frog, isn't delicious?"
I felt the little soup that I had in my stomach start to rise up. I was worried of what we would have for the main dish. It arrived soon... it was almost like England's beef stew. He started explaining how he got the idea of remaking it just to piss of England. I kind of shut him out during his rambeling. The dessert came but lets just say that it didn't land in my plate but on me. The waiter and France started to panic like a chicken that lost his head. During that time I wiped of the crème brulé off of my dress. When they noticed that I finished cleaning they calmed down.
France grabbed my hand and dragged me off on the balcony were a bottle of champagne was waiting for us. Why did I ever agree to go on this date ! It's going in a bad direction. France soon served the champagne and offered a toast to us ...
"France, you do know that I don't have any feeling for you. Right?"
"What do you mean everyone loves me... Talking about love, would you like to spend the night with me?" He then wiggled his eyebrows.

THAT'S IT! I left the balcony, grabbed my belonging and stormed outside. I was clearly pissed off.

"Urgh, that was the worst date ever!"

"(Y/n) wait. Ma chérie s'il te plait, revient."

"No way am I returning over there!"

"At least let me drive you home."

"No thank you, I'll walk home if you don't mind." With that said I walked of into the night lets just hope there are no perverts lurking in the shadows. I spoke too soon. Just up ahead was a totally wasted man that couldn't even walk in a strait line. I tried to go around him bu he grabbed hold of my arm. His breath reeked alcohol. This is not good, not good at all.

"Sir, could you please let me go."

"Why is a sweet looking girl walking all by herself at night wearing such a beautiful dress with no one around?" he asked while checking me out.

"That is none of your concern. Now unhand me fool!"

"FOOL!" he said in rage, he lifted up his hand to strike in the face. I was so ready to kick him where the sun doesn't shine just to get away from that creep. Luckily someone grabbed his arm before he hit me, when I looked up it was actually Germany with his 3 dogs.

"Let her go!" he growled menacingly. He drunkard started to whimper and ran off into the darkness.

"Are you alright (y/n) ?"
"Yes thank you."
"Vhat are you doing out here all alone?"
"I went on a date and it was horrible. So I left."
When I looked at his I could see traces of jealousy, anger and sadness.
"Let me at least bring you home. It's very late for a young girl to be walking all by herself."
"Thank you thats very kind of you." A little blush settled on my cheeks.
~ time skip provided by Germany's dogs~
We soon arrived at the door.
"Thank you Germany."
I gave a quick kiss on his cheek and ran inside to embarrased to face what I did.
I removed my shoes and went to the bathroom to take a long and warm shower.
~ time skip provided by the wonderful feeling of a shower ~
My stomach was growling since I barely ate anything at the restaurant. Luckly I had some candy hidden in my bedroom. I went in my bed and watch a few episode of psycho pass.

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