Patricia is so nice... NOT!

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"This is your room in here. You will be sharing with Patricia Williamson."

 "Who's that?" I asked, gesturing to a photo on the door. One of them looked like the girl we bumped in to.

"That's Joy-" Trudy began to say.

 "She has left. I'll leave you to unpack." The two of them left. 

 "Nice house isn't it?" I said sitting on my bed and stretching. "Hopefully the people here are just as nice..."

 By the way, we're editing the chapters to make them better - well at least better than before. Not promising it'll be good chapters though!

Patricia is so nice... NOT!

"Hey Joy-" the door opened, and the girl we bumped into entered. I presumed she was Patricia. She looked gobsmacked as she broke off and stared at us. "Who are you?"

 "I'm Nina, this is Holly - she's my sister - and we're new, obviously, and American-" Nina said.

"SHUT UP!" the girl yelled."Where are Joy's things?  What's going on?" She gasped as she looked in the waste paper basket. She reached into it and brought out a crumpled picture, which happened to be the one that was on the door. She waved it in my face. "Did you do this?"

 "N-no!" I stammered, "We got here two seconds ago!" She began to dump our bedding in the corridor. I gaped at her.

"Stop!" Nina cried, trying to stop her. "Victor told me Joy left!"

 "What without this?" Patricia screamed, holding up a phone. "This is here phone! And this is Joy's too! What did you do, steal it?"

"No we didn't!" Nina said earnestly. Patricia grabbed a picture of Mum, Dad, Gran and Nina and I. "I swear please!"

"No put that down please!" I said, trying to snatch it back. I managed to, thankfully. I felt tears in my eyes but I fought against them desperately.

 "Look I don't know who you are, or why you're here - BUT YOU ARE NOT MY ROOM MATE! Joy is. WHERE IS SHE?" Nobody answered. "Are you deaf? I said where is she?"

"Please can we start over?" Nina begged, and without waiting for an answer, she carried on. "I'm Nina, this is Holly- we're from America. And unless Joy's hiding we honestly don't have a clue where she is. We got here like ten minutes ago and it was empty."

 "I don't believe you," Patricia snarled.

"Patricia Williamson," a voice rang out. Victor. I never thought I'd be relieved to see him. "What is going on?"

 "You know, that's exactly what I want to know! Where's Joy"

"She's left," he answered calmly. "Her parents came to school and removed her."

 "No that's not true!" Patricia yelled. "She left some stuff behind!" Victor held out his hand and she held them away.

"I'll send them to her." She huffed and slammed the stuff into his hand, before storming out of the corridor. "Supper will be ready in ten minutes." We put our things back in the right place, talking about Patricia. After that we went back through the double doors into the living room. We stopped dead. The other Anubis House students were there. All of them were staring at us. I glanced at Nina.

"Hi, I'm Nina," she said "From America." Patricia rolled her eyes.

 "I'm Holly," I said smiling "Her sister."

A girl with blonde hair stood up, "I'm Amber, both of you have such pretty hair!" she exclaimed

 "Thanks," smiled Nina.

Nothing is ever what is seems... (House of Anubis Season 1 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now