Blackmail and Interrogations

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 "I have told you to mention to everyone else that I am Rene!" he yelled, pressing the end button. My eyes widened in shock. What's he going to do? He seems pretty pissed...

"It was only Nina! Besides I can't call you Rene, it's too absurd. Give me my phone back!" I heard a click and I tried to get out, but Rufus had locked the doors. "Why did you lock the doors- ARGH!" Rufus stepped on the gas. 

 "Let us out!" I begged, but he ignored our protests. I exchanged looks of horror with Patricia as we sped off. 5 minutes later, we arrived at some abandoned (by the looks of it) place. He grabbed us both. "LET ME GO!" I screamed into the nights air. He hauled us both in some room and the locks were on the outside.

A physco just locked us in some place we don't know.

We were trapped.

Blackmail and Interrogations

*Holly's P.O.V*

I opened my eyes unwillingly and was met by a dim light. I sat up.

"Are you okay Holly?" Patricia asked. I nodded, rubbing my head. We heard the locks click and looked at eachother hopefully. To our dismay, it was Rufus. I was honestly a tiny bit scared - I mean, what was he going to do? Kill us?

 "Good morning Patricia, Holly," he said coldly, holding two bottles of water. She glared at him. "Sleep well?"

"Come to take our breakfast order?" Patricia snapped. He grabbed her pink hair extension. "What are you doing? Get off me!" He seized her bracelet. "Hey that's vintage!" I stared at her; he's forcefully taking stuff off her and the only thing she can say is that her bracelet is vintage? God... He felt around my neck. I gasped, slapping his hand away but he grabbed my neck again and unclipped my necklace that said my name on it.

"Where's the locket?" he snarled.

 "I don't have it," I truthfully replied. He hissed angrily. "What do you want from us?" I massaged my neck because he had grabbed it rather violently.

"Nothing at all," he said, his lip curling into a sinister smirk. "Just sit tight." He gave us the water bottles.

 "The Police will be swarming the country side by now!" she yelled at him. "They'll put you away for years! AND DON'T LOCK US IN AGAIN! Get us something to eat! Did you hear me?" He waved before shutting the door. She sighed.

"How are we going to get away from this place?" I asked, voicing my worries. "What if we don't?"

We looked at each other fearfully.

*Nina's P.O.V*

"The look on Victor's face last night was all the confirmation we needed," Fabian told me.

 "Yeah but he knows that we know and don't really have much of a plan," I said anxiously.

"Have any of you seen Patricia?" Mara asked, looking teary.

 "No, have you seen Holly? Did they even come back last night?" I said, shocked.

"No Trudy said Patricia's aunt and uncle took them away last night and she hasn't come back and I thought she would have by now," she said, on the verge of tears. "I really need to talk to her."

 "You can talk to us if you like," I offered kindly. She glanced at Amber and she shook her head and left. I felt nervous. Holly and Patricia went away with Rufus - had he done something to them?

"Trouble in paradise," Amber said smugly, sitting down opposite me.

 "Sorry?" Fabian asked, confused.

Nothing is ever what is seems... (House of Anubis Season 1 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now