Election Frenzy

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 "Wow - he really hates candles!" Mara exclaimed, giggling.

"Wow he really hates candles," I imitated her, walking to my room, defeated.

*Holly's P.O.V*

I picked up a bottle, shining my torch light on the golden-ish liquid.

"This surely must be it," I said, tipping it into a test tube, careful not the spill a drop. "Okay, Alfie we can go now." I looked up to see him staring at a gold hooded cloak on the wall. "Alfie?" Then he yelled out in horror, making me drop the bottle.

Election Frenzy

*Nina's P.O.V*

We heard a frightening yell of horror and hurried to the kitchen to see Alfie crawling out, Holly behind him. 

 "I knew this was a bad idea!" I cried. 

"Alfie, speak to me are you okay?" Amber asked. In my opinion he didn't look okay; sweat was drenched down on his forehead, his breathing was up to an alarmingly fast rate and he looked exactly like the time when he was hospitalized.

 "What happened?" Patricia said.

"Did you get the Elixir?"

 "Sorry, I dropped the bottle," Holly said grimly, shaking her head. "We're going to go again, but on another night."

"Yeah, it's too risk right now," I agreed, locking up the secret passageway.

*Jerome's P.O.V*

"Studying before classes?" I heard Mara's voice and looked up, only to see that she was beaming and talking to Mick. I glared at the scene.  "Okay, who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" I'd like to do something to her boyfriend...

 "Got to keep a healthy balance right?" He replied uneasily, as a loud chanting floated down from the corridor. As he stood up to follow her and see what the commotion was, a brown enevelope fell out from his pocket. Surreptitiously, I put it in my pocket and walked across the room to look down the corridor. 

"MILLINGTON, MILLINGTON, MILLINGTON, MILLINGTON!" shouted the cheerleaders, behind none other than the blonde-haired, Amber. She started doing backflips all down the corridor until she landed neatly on her two feet in front of Mara, smirking.

"Vote Millington, better be Willington," she said, smiling. She and the other cheerleaders spread out over the rooms.

"Okay Amber, what are your actual policies?" Mara asked, looking slightly frustrated. "Hair cuts, short skirts and chillax periods? Because and I quote-" she glanced at one of Amber's election posters. "Who needs classes anyway?"

"I see my message is really getting through to you!" Amber grinned. "Want a button?" She held one out that was in favour of her vote.

"This is a chance for us to really make a difference!" Mara said, pushing the button away. I smiled down at her head. "Who's fed up with textbooks that date back from 1987?"

"M- A- R - A!" Patricia yelled.

"MARA!" Everyone finished, including me.

"Who's fed up with mirrors in the bathroom making you look like a horro show?" retoted Amber, and all her cheerleader friends cheered in approval. "And by you, I mean you Mara." They cheered again.

 "Who's fed up with listening to people that, in reality have nothing to say!" Mara argued.

"Who's fed up with living in the same house of the school's chief boyfriend snatcher?" Mick looked away pointedly.

Nothing is ever what is seems... (House of Anubis Season 1 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now