Rene Zeldman (Part One)

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Fabian swung his bag over his shoulder, but the hexagonal prism fell out when doing so. I picked it up gingerly. "Any luck?" I asked hopefully

 "No. I've tried every single possible combination," said Fabian disappointed

Then it broke open in my hand. "Except that one," he added

We held the three peices together. They had writing on.

"When day time ends at midday through tears of glass the eye shall see," I read out

 "What does that mean?"

*Patricia's P.O.V*

I walked in the wood. I saw him again. I gasped. He took a few steps closer to me.


He took out a card from his pocket and cautiously lay it on the ground infront of me.

"I'm Rene Zeldman, private investigator," he said "I know your friend has gone missing-"

 "How do you know about Joy?" I snapped

"I told you, I'm a private investigator," he said calmly "Get me a photo of this Joy and I'll help you find her. She could be in danger. Call me if you want to find her."

He backed away and left me there. I slowly picked up his business card. Should I call him? He's still creepy, but if he'll help me find Joy it's totally worth it.

*Nina's P.O.V*

I read out the riddle again, "When day time ends at midday through tears of glass the eye shall see."

"This is so confusing!" Holly moaned, her hands on her head and clearly stressing out "Day time never ends at midday! Never!"

 "In cartoons the sun goes down in midday," said Amber randomly 

"There's got to be something," said Fabian, determined

"Lets meet up at lunch to discuss this horrible, horrible situation we're in," I said finally. I'm giving up, but just for now. Everyone agreed. I swung my bag over my shoulder.

"Why can't there just be a map?"asked Amber

Mick walked in as Amber said this. Oh no!

"Yeah I love pirates," Holly said hastily.

Thank god! Or thank Holly rather... Wow she's a fast thinker. I smiled at him innocently. Mick's confused face suddenly turned normal. For a moment there I thought he wasn't going to buy it but thanks to Holly he did.

 "Wha- oh yeah me too!" said Amber spotting Mick

"Hi babe, I got you a present," he said handing it to her

 "Aww Boo you shouldn't have!" Amber said hugging him

"Do you want to hang out at lunch?" he asked

 "Sorry, but I'm not free," said Amber slowly, glancing at us quickly

Mick left, looking disappointed and fustrated. I read the riddle over and over in my head but nothing made sense. What if we never figure it out? But we have to. I'll try to figure it out as long as I'm alive. I can't let Sarah down. I just can't.

"Sibuna," I said holding my hand over my eye

The others followed suit.

*Amber's P.O.V*

*At School*

"Hey Boo, why are you so moody?" I asked Mick, sadly

 "Because you've been ditching me," he told me angrily

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