Sibuna Reunion

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"I'm sorry, I can't do it," I sobbed. I reached for my locket and lifted it up and over my neck. "I quit." I dropped it in the shocked Fabian's hand. "Sibuna."

Sibuna Reunion

*Nina's P.O.V*

 I watched Holly walk out of the room and sighed. It's my fault that Alfie's in the hospital. Reaching for my locket, I took it off.

"Not you too!" Fabian said, staring at me in horror.

 "Look it's my fault that Alfie's in hospital, I gave him the elixir..." I said dropping the locket in his hand. "I quit too." With that I walked out of the room.


*Amber's P.O.V*

"Cleaning fluid?" I repeated, frowning. "Alfie drank... cleaning fluid?"

 "That is what the hospital said," Victor said.

"Yeah right," breathed Patricia. He heard immediately.

 "Perhaps you'd like to enlighten us to what exactly was in that bottle."

"Pass," she snarled, her eyes narrowing. Trudy entered as Victor left and she edged around him.

 "Trudy-kins!" Jerome said immediately. "How are you today?"

"Old and wise enough to know when you want something Jerome," she smiled "What is it? Come on spit it out." Jerome looked slightly taken aback.

 "You know how me and Alfie are best mates yeah? And now... he's in a hospital bed, bored to death with no one to talk to with hacking coughs and bad breath. I want the day off to go and visit him."


 "But I swear- fine?"

"But not the whole day," she added. "Just a couple of hours in the afternoon." He nodded, beaming.

 "Um... Trudy?" I asked hopefully. "Could I do that as well? I feel really bad that he's not got something nice to look a while he's in there." She nodded.

"Trudy-" Patricia began, but Trudy cut her off.

 "No! I can only get permission for two of you to go. You'll have to fight it out between yourselves."


"Of course I should be the one to go, Alfie loves me!" I argued.

 "Amber watch my lips, I am going to the hospital not you!" Patricia said loudly.

"Nina, Holly,  who do you think should go?" I asked over Fabian muttering and pacing. They looked up from their magazine/book.

"We're out remember?" Holly told us. "Besides, Nina's busy reading-" she checked the cover of Nina's magazine "Pink Pony Parade and I'm reading The Hunger Games." They busied themselves in reading again and I went back to arguing with Patricia.

"Alfie needs someone to cheer him up, not just shout at him!"

 "Who's going to be shouting?" shouted Patricia. I raised my eyebrows at her. She lowered her voice slightly. "I'm not going to be shouting, I'll be interrogating him, that's all."

"Don't try to confuse me with your fancy words!" I huffed.

 "Er... it's in the dictionary Amber." At this, it seemed a light bulb had switched on in  Nina's brain because she jumped up and grabbed a dictionary off the shelf. She handed it to Fabian.

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