Rene Zeldman (Part Two)

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Fabian tried to open the oven made of stone. Trudy leant over the table and said, "Oh that doesn't open. It hasn't opened for years."

"What was the house back then?" Nina asked

 "I might have some pictures," Trudy said cheerfully and left to get them.

She returned moments later and showed us them.

"I'll be back in one minute."

She left again. We looked through the pictures and came across one with a chandelier. I had a sudden thought and then I whispered,

"Tears of glass."

Rene Zeldman (Part two)

*Holly's P.O.V*

"Wow I think you're right!" Nina whispered

 "So now we got to put that chandelier back up," said Fabian, still staring at the photo

"I think I saw it in the attic," I said, still in pain from what Jerome did to me.

I think we found the solution to the riddle!

*Patricia's P.O.V*

Mr Winkler walked past. I caught up with him, and stopped in front of him, my hands folded over my chest. 

"What happened to Joy?" I demanded

 "She's fine!" he snapped then rudely pushed past me.

I glared after him. I saw Mara walking. She needs to know I'm not going crazy so I'm going to tell her about Rene.

"Mara! Mara!" I called, running after her.

 "Hi Patricia," she said

"The ghost is real!" I told her "He exists! Well he's not a ghost but he exists!"

 "Come on Patricia, come back to class with me!" urged Mara, ignoring my statement completely

I sighed then walked into the bathroom. I need to give Rene a call. I took out my phone and searched under contacts where I labelled him as "RZ". I put the phone to my ear and heard it ring.

"Pick up!" I urged him


"Rene?" I asked uncertainly

 "Yes, is this Patricia?" asked Rene

"It is, I need to talk to you so will you meet me in the wood again?"

 "I'll be there."

I put the phone down. I need to talk to him. Badly.


I sat on the fallen tree trunk next to Rene.

"The new teacher," I said "He was on my side but then he changed. He got really close to the truth and then he changed. He's one of them now. Look I'll send you pictures of Joy soon but please be honest with me about everything."

 "I promise," he said "My name is Rufus Zeno."

He took out three pictures from his black coat pocket. He showed them to me and said,"Recognise these as anything?"

One of them looked familiar. Where have I seen it. I told him that one of them looked familiar.

"It's the Eye of Horus," he stated clearly "It could help us find Joy."

*Holly's P.O.V*

I watched as Fabian put the chandelier up in the Entrance hall. So the tears of glass newly restored. Trudy came walking in. Oh hell to the no. Please don't question.

"When did you get so interested in home restoration?" wondered Trudy out loud

Nobody answered. Suddenly Trudy jumped a foot in the air and screamed,"THE CAKES!" She ran off.

"Okay lets do it like this: Me and Holly stay down here and Fabian and Amber go to the attic?" asked Nina in an undertone.

We all agreed at once.

"Hurry it's almost midday!" I urged them

And so it was. Suddenly as the minute-hand ticked onto midday, light shone into the room and hit the chandelier. A bright emerald-green beam shone out of it and hit a part in the wall.

"Wow!" exclaimed Nina

I had a sudden idea and I placed my locket on the wall where the beam had hit it. It opened and an odd shaped object fell out. Nina ran forward and caught it with the tips of her fingers. She sighed, relieved and looked at it.

"It kind of has the same markings as the other thingy," I said recognising them "The hexagonal thingy. Well not the same markings but the same colour. Lets go to the attic!"

We made our way up to the attic. Fabian and Amber were waiting there, both looking quite bored but alert.I held up the strange object, "Ta da!"

"You guys should've been there it was awesome!" Nina exclaimed

 "It was amazing and incredible!" I said

"I think there's something hidden in it," Nina said taking the object gingerly from me and began to examine it. 

I jumped as I heard a little girls voice suddenly reach my ears. It was a cylinder.

"He spends all his time playing with dead animals. Dead animals. The most scariest is his raven, Corbierre."

My eyes widened as I heard a different voice straight after saying, "You have 5 minutes then I want to be able to hear a pin drop!"

There was silence. Nina and I stared at each other.


It was a ridiculously short chapter so we gave you a double update :)

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