The Initiation (Part 2)

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Amber dropped the book and kissed Alfie. I looked at Holly, who was equally shocked as I was. Someone whistled. Jerome laughed. Mick looked hurt. Alfie looked amazed.

"Wow," said Jerome staring at them


Jerome, Alfie and Patricia stood in front of us, torches lit their faces. They all looked deadly serious. Jerome and Patricia shone the torches in our faces. The initiation ceremony was about to begin.

The Initiation (Part 2)

*Holly's P.O.V*

"Are you Nina Martin?" asked Patricia in a deadly serious voice.

"Yes," said Nina nervously. I couldn't blame her for being anxious; the tone Patricia was using was seriously freaky, let alone Jerome and Alfie in the background.

"And are you Holly Martin?" I nodded.

"Words!" she hissed.

"Yes," I said hastily. Pushy...

"Is there anyone here to confirm this?" she asked. Me and Nina looked at them, then each other. Well duh Patricia, look right in front of you. What are we supposed to say, our beds? I'd've loved to say Sarah, but I wouldn't have dared.

"Us," we said together. Jerome and Alfie laughed.

"Are you for real? Alfie laughed disbelievingly.

"SSH!" Patricia hissed. They all took a step forward. Jerome smirked at the sight of me. I squinted at them in the light of the torch they were shining in my face.

"Nina Martin, Holly Martin, you are here to prove that you are brave enough to live at Anubis House. Swear on the graves of all your ancestors that you will never, ever tell a living soul about tonight." A bit over the top Patricia?

"We swear," we said together. We have got to stop doing that! Oh well... We left the room, Patricia in front, Nina and I behind her and Jerome and Alfie at the very back. Jerome jabbed me in the back with the torch. I shuddered but didn't look behind. Amber asked Fabian some thing.

"Didn't want to come, tired or something," he replied.

"SSH!" He jumped. Nina and I joined Patricia at the front. Patricia stared at the door to the attic.

"Oh spirits of Anubis House," said Patricia she shone her torch on me and Nina "Guide, the new girls on their initiation quest and keep them from harm in the haunted attic." Fabian turned off his torch abruptly, looking at her incredulously.

"Come on this is ridiculous!" he told us. "We're not seriously going to do this, are we?"

"SSH!" Patricia put a finger to her lips. Fabian turned his torch back on, rolling his eyes. "Unlock the door." Nina walked forward but Patricia pulled her back.

"Youngest unlocks it," said Jerome maliciously. How on earth did they know I was younger? Did I tell them? I can't remember. I gave him a quizzical look and walked forwards and put the key in the door and turned it.

"Ok so we have to just go up there and grab some thing and get back down here right?" I asked. Should be simple if that's the case. And I hoped it was.

"You guys didn't booby trap the place or anything did you?" asked Nina impatiently. "Did you?"

"Course not," confirmed Patricia "Go." Nina walked forwards. I didn't like her tone, it was still freaky. Well, I guess it's normal if it's harsh and all.

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