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"Yeah, I had the exact same one," Nina told Fabian. "She said these numbers, 1101011915 and it felt so real. And if Holly had the same one... well I don't exactly think it's a dream. Anyway, you wanted to talk to us?"

He hesitated, "Well... I know both of you are going to think calmly and rationally about this. But the thing is, I've kind of misplaced the latest puzzle piece."

 "What?" Nina gasped, horrified.

"I too have been thinking calmly and rationally about this," Fabian said through gritted teeth. "I think it fell out of my bag when I shoved it on the lockers." She raised her eyebrows as if to ask why. "I thought there was going to be a bag search!" He ran his hand on top of the lockers. "Excellent... it's not here. It must have been swept up last night."



*Holly's P.O.V*

 "Okay everyone settle down please!" Mr Winkler called over the babbling. "Today we'll be doing numerology."

"Numerology?" Jerome repeated, who had just walked in. "Sir this is a serious class!"

 "Today we would look at something like this chair," Mr Winkler said, putting a chair up on the desk and continuing as if Jerome had not spoken. "And say that it's not alive. However, the ancient Egyptians believed everything was alive. They believed everything was made up of living particles. Every person-" he put his chair back. "-every thing could be reduced down to what they believed were divine numbers. The god, Osiris, could be represented by the first perfect odd number, three."

 Everyone was paying full attention but my mind was elsewhere.

"Whilst Isis represents the number four," he continued. "The result of the two, makes their son, Horus. He is represented by the number five." My eyes widened; Mr Winkler suddenly changed into Rufus Zeno, and the whiteboard marker he had been writing with turned into the knife. "Holly are you listening to me? It's time to come home. Don't make me hurt you."

He advanced towards me. I let out an ear-splitting shriek, picked up my bag and ran out of the class room, terrified.Someone else had screamed too, at the exact same time as me but I didn't  wait to see what happened. I knew it was only a hallucination, but I'd probably have burst into tears if I stayed there. I ran to Anubis House and into the laundry room, curling up into a ball.

 Patricia came into the laundry room too, apparently too agitated to notice me. She even sat down next to me but didn't notice me.

"Patricia?" I whispered. She finally noticed me.

 "Holly, you freaked out in class the same time in me - what happened?" she asked.

"Rufus," I said weakly. "Mr Winkler turned into Rufus and the pen turned into a knife..." I shuddered.

 "That's exactly what happened to me!" she gasped. "Except the pen didn't change..."

"Yo Trixie, Holly!" Alfie called from the kitchen. He came in and saw us. He sat down opposite us. "So what's up? The freak out in class and hiding in the laundry room business?"

 "Fell asleep in class, had a bad dream," Patricia grumbled. "End of."

"Tell me about it." 

"So er... how do you stop nightmares?" I asked, the shock wearing off.

"I've got a kind of - evil dream survival kit," he shrugged. "To watch under the sheets, play music to get me asleep. I try to hang around other people, so I'm never alone."

Nothing is ever what is seems... (House of Anubis Season 1 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now