The House Of Anubis

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"Taxi should arrive in five," Nina said, looking up and down the road nervously. I was totally nervous too. We were going to a boarding school, Anubis House, and a taxi was coming to pick us up and drop us off there. "Holly are you okay?" she asked, glancing sideways at me. I nodded.

 That was a total lie; I was really nervous about going to boarding school. As a result of never being far away from home, it was nerve-racking to go to a place and stay there for a long time. I tried to think that it was just like going to school but I couldn't get the fact that we wouldn't be going home at the end of the day out of my head.

 I played with my super curly hair, as I always do when I'm nervous. I guess it just takes my mind off worrying and on to my hair. Nina was doing the same to her hair. Her hair is curly but not like mine, she has loose curls, whilst I have an afro. I could sense Nina was anxious as well. We're twins you see, but fraternal twins. I'm the younger twin. Everyone can tell us apart. Even at long distances. It's all because of our hair. She has a lighter shade of brown than I do.

"Oh the er... taxi's here," I said, swallowing again. However hard I tried, I just could not get the lump in my throat to go. The taxi came to a halt and the driver stepped out. He smiled at us broadly. I smiled too because smiles are contagious... sometimes. It's lucky we had a cheerful driver. Most taxi drivers have absolutely no emotion on their face, and you would have thought they hadn't cracked a smile in years, and speak in a monotone.

 "Nina and Holly Martin?" he asked.

 "Yeah that's us!" Nina said cheerfully. "How are you?" His smile seemed to answer all.

"Are you two American?" he asked, with one glance at our luggage.

 "Yeah we're American, how did you guess?" I said. "Was it the accent? I know ours are kind of strong but people don't always hear it."

"You've got American flags on your suitcases!" he said. Nice driver, but a bit weird... no offence to him.

 "Here you go, jump in," he said cheerfully opening the door for us. He put our suitcases in the car and we got in.

"I can't believe we're actually going to boarding school!" I said "I'm so excited! I feel like Harry Potter."

 "Too bad it isn't a magic school - it'd be ace!" Nina exclaimed. Her phone beeped as the driver chuckled, "That your parents checking up on ya'?"

 "It's our gran. She must be missing us already," Nina said shortly "Our gran brought us up. We've never been away from home before."

"Oh getting cold feet?" he asked, not in a hurtful kind of way. "Want me to turn this cab around?"

 "No way!" Nina said hastily "I mean we're finally here, we're off to our new school and we're so excited, naturally."

"Naturally," he agreed

 "I mean we can't pretend we're a little nervous," I said "Last time we felt like this we er threw up on our kindergarten teacher... simultaneously."

"Worst twin moment ever," confirmed Nina. We laughed. I can still remember it, but it's a little hazy.

 "I'll just be at my driving," the driver chuckle. A few moments passed and then he announced, "We're here."

"Wow!" I gasped as we saw it. It was massive, like Hogwarts- except this has got to be ten times smaller, at least.

 "Big place, where d'you need to be?" he asked

"The House of Anubis," Nina said, her eyes scanning the page quickly.

 We got out of the taxi. We smiled at each other.

"Wow welcome to Hogwarts," I grinned. "Where's the trio?" Nina laughed.

The driver took our suitcases out and began to carry them to Anubis House. We followed him, but he seemed to be a really fast walker because when we got half way there he was already at the House.

 "I think we'd better-" said Nina

"-run!" I finished

We bumped into someone on the way. She had blue highlights in her hair and she was accompanied by two other people our age.

 "Watch it!" she snapped

"I'm - we're so sorry!" I panted, not noticing her rude behavior.

We reached the house,gasping for breath, where the taxi driver was waiting for us, whistling merrily. We paid him and he left with a quick and cheerful,"Cheerio." I raised my hand to knock on the door but the door opened before my fist made contact with it.

"Ok that creepy," I said shakily "Really, really creepy."

We stood there for a minute, deciding what we should do. Nina walked forward slowly and gave me an encouraging nod. I followed her.

"H-h-hello?" Nina stammered

The door shut with a snap behind us. Me and Nina looked at each other, terrified.

 "Good afternoon," said a voice smoothly

We looked up and saw a man with a goatee and black hair that was slicked back. I stared at him. In my opinion, he did look quite sinister but he looked like the door knocker on the front door. I bit my lip to stop myself from giggling.

"Are you Nina and Holly Martin?" he asked walking down the stairs. I nodded, swallowing.

"You are both two weeks late," he said coldly

 "I- er - we got the- er-," I stuttered

"I don't believe I asked to hear the reason why you are late." I fell silent. This guy seems like Snape... Harsh and rude! I edged a bit away from him, because he was literally an inch away from me. A lady with short, black curls came out of the double doors on the left. She smiled and said,

"Hello darlings, I'm Trudy Rehmann, your house mother!" she said cheerfully "And this is Victor Rodenmaar."

Well at least you're cheerful, compared to Victor. He talked us through the history of the house.

"The Anubis Estate was originally built in 1890. However the house remained nameless until 1922, when it was named Anubis." Trudy gave a snort of laughter which made Victor turn around.

 "They don't care about all that Victor," she chuckled. "I should show them around shouldn't I?"

 "Yes," said Victor, his eyes glittering "Did the extra bed fit in Miss Williamson's room?"

"Oh yes Victor," she said before leading me and Nina through the double doors.

"Now what are your names?" asked Trudy

I waited for Nina to introduce herself first, as we always do so we don't talk over each other. We used to do that when we were little, so we agreed that Nina would introduce herself first and then me.

"I'm Nina," she said.

  "Holly," I said giving Trudy a smile

 "Ok ladies that's the kitchen in the far end and the table is where breakfast and dinner is served," explained Trudy.

 "Who are these people?" I asked, looking at a painting hung on the wall.

 "Mr and Mrs Frobisher-Smythe," Victor said, walking in. "They originally owned the house. They died... very tragically." I frowned. He carried on talking to us while we climbed the stairs,"Boys rooms downstairs. No wondering after nine. Lights out at ten." We reached the top of the stairs.  "This is my office, which is strictly out of bounds. So is the attic." He led us up a corridor and pointed at a door. "Going up to the attic or down to the cellar will result in immediate consequences. Do you understand?"

 "Yes Victor," Nina and I said simultaneously.

"This is your room in here. You will be sharing with Patricia Williamson."

 "Who's that?" I asked, gesturing to a photo on the door. One of them looked like the girl we bumped in to.

"That's Joy-" Trudy began to say.

 "She has left. I'll leave you to unpack." The two of them left. 

 "Nice house isn't it?" I said sitting on my bed and stretching. "Hopefully the people here are just as nice..."

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