It's a Rescue Mission

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 "What do you want with Joy?" Patricia asked suddenly. "And what's your connection to Sarah Frobisher-Smythe? And Victor."

"Oh the three of us go back a long way." I stared at him, not knowing what it meant. "And that's all you need to know." We suddenly heard voices outside. Voices! He put a finger to his lips. Quickly, he grabbed tape, cut a piece off and stuck it over my mouth. He grabbed us both and forced us to hide. He covered Patricia's mouth with his hand. The voices grew clearer and I realised who they were. 

 "Oh yes!" gasped a voice as the door burst open. It was Nina and Amber. They rushed up to our things. They've been here look, this burger is still warm. Oh this is Patricia's and I am absolutely sure this bracelet is Holly's." He dragged us out and let go to close the door. I ripped the tape off.

"NINA AMBER!" Patricia and I both screamed. They turned around and gasped, running for the exit but it was too late. He had locked the door.

It's a Rescue Mission

*Nina's P.O.V*

"NINA AMBER!" We turned around to see Patricia and Holly outside with Rufus. I screamed, running for the door but Rufus had shut it and bolted it lock. We stared at each other in horror.

 "Could we smash a window?" Amber suggested. I looked around.

"Good idea, but they're all barred up," I sighed. "Did you bring your phone?"

 "Of course, this is me we're talking about!" she laughed, taking her phone out. I sighed in relief. Her face fell as she opened it. "I used up all my minutes last month... for a celebrity thing."

"Amber!" I groaned.

 "We'll have to use your phone," she said, stowing her phone away in her pockets. I felt around in my pockets but they were empty. I bit my lip; my phone was not on me.

*Patricia's P.O.V*

"Such as shame we had to leave our five star warehouse," Rufus hissed, dragging us along.

 "I'm not scared of you!" I said, fighting against his grip. "My friends will find us no matter where you take us!"

"I wonder how they'll do that considering they're locked in a warehouse," he spat. "But I have to admit it was clever that they tracked us down. Just a shame no one will be able to find out."

"Let them go!" Holly screamed, trying to ease her arm out of his death grip.

"Come along now," he snarled.

*Fabian's P.O.V*

I walked into Nina's room but it was empty. Reaching into my pocket, I brought out my phone and called her. Immediately, a loud ringing met my ears and I turned around to see her phone on her bed.

"Nice one Nina..."I sighed. "Where would they be? Attic? Cellar? Attic." I stood up and my shoe slipped on something. It was Patricia's good luck card. Or maybe, they're in the clearing in the wood.

I got on my bike and peddled off towards the clearing in the woods while night fell quickly. An owl hooted dolefully. I reached the clearing, but there was no sign of her. I noticed an oil trail and decided to follow it. Eventually, it led me to an old abandoned warehouse. When I slid back the locks, I was met my deafening screams and two blobs of blue and pink. They came out as Nina and Amber.

"Fabian!" they gasped, obviously relieved to see me. Nina hugged me tightly.

 "I'm so glad; I followed that oil trail and I had no idea what it would lead me to!" I said.

Nothing is ever what is seems... (House of Anubis Season 1 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now