Firey Jealousy

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"Well," I said out loud. "We're here. Sarah's saying we should listen to the voice, so that's what we'll do. Hello? House? Can you hear me? It's Nina and Holly. You wanted us to find something. What is it?" As if in reply, a box fell from a shelf. 

 "Thank you!" Holly said happily. I looked at her and laughed. "What? It's good to have manners." I laughed again and hurried towards the box. "Hey, look at this newspaper!"

"Boarding school founded on Anubis Estate," I read. "Victor Rodenmaar Junior, son of the late Victor Rodenmaar Senior, has founded a new school on the Anubis Estate... with help from Mr - Rufus Zeno and Sarah Frobisher-Smythe!" 

 "But..." Holly's voice sounded faint. "But- Sarah's aged naturally right? Rufus and Victor - they look the same! They haven't aged!"

Firey Jealousy

*Patricia's P.O.V*

I opened the door and entered with Fabian to find Holly and Nina sitting on their bed reading, by the looks of it, a very old newspaper.

"Hey, you're back!" He said. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

 "Not exactly," Nina said. "But we found this." She passed him it and his eyes scanned it quickly. I looked over his shoulder and grabbed it suddenly.

"This photo was actually taken - in 1950!" I exclaimed, sitting down. "Rufus and Victor look like they haven't changed at all."

 "Yep," Holly confirmed. "But look at Sarah, she's changed a lot. She's aged normally."

"Does this mean the Elixir really does exist?" Fabian asked, excitement in his words. The twins nodded. "Victor isn't the only one taking it."

 "When Rufus kept me and Holly in that warehouse," I said, suddenly remembering. "He said something about him, Rufus and Sarah going-"

"-back a long way," Holly finished, nodding.

 "Looking at this, it looks like - well, they were once friends!"

"Or business partners at least."

 "Sarah said something about being betrayed," Nina said.

"Guys - supper is ready!" Alfie said, coming in. In a flash, Fabian threw the newspaper to Nina, who stuffed it under a pillow. "What's this a little secret meeting?"

 "Alfie, could you tell Trudy we'll be down in a minute?" Holly asked. "Only we've got a little something to wrap up here."

"Yeah sure, but could you keep me well informed?" Alfie asked nervously. "We're like family now." Fabian and I exchanged worried glances and avoided Nina and Holly's eyes as Alfie left the room.

"I'm sorry, it seems like we missed something?" Nina said enquiringly. We explained it, grudgingly. "Ugh - guys we should've had a meeting about this first! Alfie could jeopardise everything!"

"But it's okay!" I said earnestly. "We only told him a few little things, to keep him at bay."

 "Anyway, this is exciting," Fabian said, gesturing to the newspaper. "It proves us right, we were right all along about Victor and the elixir-"

"We haven't got any proof though," I reminded him. "We've only got water and herbs, according to the toxicology report."

 "Yeah, but remember," Holly said reasonably. "There were a whole lot of bottles and think about it, just because it has the same colour doesn't mean it's the same thing. I mean, you might think some blue liquid is just water with blue food colouring when it's really Benedict solution! Anyway, we had the scariness of the "zombies" so we ran out with the first bottle we picked up. We just need to-"

Nothing is ever what is seems... (House of Anubis Season 1 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now