37 | Strange Book?

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Jinx was scanning the bookshelves in the library, for something to read and check out of the library. Jinx was lost in her headspace, thinking of a way to walk outside, without being confined indoors.

 "Just what am I going to do? about the rain..." paused Jinx realizing she was speaking out loud she looked up and down the aisle. She was in and even rushed to the ends of the aisles. absolutely making sure. No one is listening in on her, or nearby the aisle she was down.   

Once Jinx returned from double-checking the nearby aisles, nodding her head in silence. Speaking in silence that it was clear. However, once she ended back to the aisle, she was before she left to see if no one is around the aisle she was hanging around in, from searching for a good book to read and check out. 

Jinx paused. Halted even. She spotted Ana looking at the giant bookcase, near the latter Jinx was leaning against earlier.  Her eye twitched watching at the girl. "eh, you got to be kidding me?" she whispered to herself, cursing under her breath.

Ana slowly turned her attention to Jinx, blinking noticing the red scarlet-haired girl. Once Ana moved up her gloved hand to wave at Jinx. Jinx blinked in reality and rushed over at once to the girl. "I'm guessing your powers are out of control?" she asked right away looking at the gloves covering Ana's hands.

"um, yes... not like I care about hanging around the rest of the group and all your random chatter" she spoke to Jinx. "if I touch anything it'll get hotter or flammable objects it'll go up in flames"

"well, I can't go outside or else it'll rain... I pissed Rosella off this morning and most of the early risers" Jinx frowned. "well it's her fault by deciding to walk with me"

Ana turned away from Jinx, not listening to her own conversation or didn't bother to respond back. Which got Jinx's attention. "Hey, aren't you going to respond?" she asked irritated at Ana's sudden quietness.

Ana kept her eyes on the books in front of her, until she found something and she reached her hand out to take it out of the bookcase. Keeping her eyes on the book, holding it with her gloved hands. She responded, "Jinx, sweetie, I really don't care about any conversations, right now?" 

Ana passed Jinx holding the book in her hand. Jinx turned to Ana to stop her for a second "Do you know if Lilly or anyone else has their powers out of control?" she asked

Ana paused.

With her back turned.

"Heck if I know?" she added after heaving a deep sigh. 

Before Jinx could respond to Ana. Ana interrupted the silence, between the two of them. "Look, I don't care about the information you are trying to seek. why don't you find Lilly to discover it yourself?" she responded as she started to leave Jinx in the Aisle trying to find an empty cubicle and table to sit.

Jinx watched Ana disappear down the aisle toward the back and middle of the library. She heaved a sigh and let it out, once more. "well that was pointless?" she whispered to herself.

Tbh Ana isn't very talkative and she would usually prefer to be alone than being around a crowd of people. Similar to how Estelle and Winter are... Ana has always been giving off the same vibe as the two platinum blondes...

Jinx went back to looking at the bookcase. Trying to find the next book. She plans to read next, while in the thought of a plan for her to keep her powers under control. Jinx touched the book, gliding her hand across the spines of the cover as she started to move.

Jinx stopped as her hand rested on a book. She leaned to read the spine of the book, she lifted her hand to touch the top of the book, feeling the edges of the pages. "um... this seems interesting for me to check out?" she responded lightly, to no one in particular. 

Tilting the book out of the bookshelf. Raising her other hand, she moved it off the shelf to catch it gently. Jinx began to move the book toward her to check it out. However, the book itself reacted to the random mana that someone gave to her. She jumped back in an alert stance. Holding her hand close to her chest.

The book fell off the shelf and landed flat on the carpet, making a thumping sound as it hit the floor. She looked at it, confused. "that was strange?" she responded to herself.

Jinx slowly moved closer to the book lying on the floor. She crouched nearby, reaching out one of her hands, in case it detected the storm magic. 

nothing happened.

Jinx quickly touched the back cover, with her fingertips. She sighed and grabbed the book in both of her hands, picking it up. "that was weird?" she told herself, asking herself what on earth just happened.

She turned it over to the front of the book. The shock came in waves, as she looked at the cover. "the mysterious magical potions? wait-" she read the book title out loud, "what in the actual hell-" 

Jinx stood up to her feet, crouching with the book under her arm. "oh well, this might have the answers to mine and Rosella's questions to controlling these powers. So might as well check this out"

Jinx turned around and went off to one of the locked reading rooms, so she can read in pure privacy and in case she reads out loud on secret information. She frowned in frustration marching through the aisles, in the direction of the rooms.


Rosella searched every known room, where Jinx tends to be. She frowned at her bandaged left forearm, reminding herself earlier that she nearly prevented a tragedy or heck even suspension from attacking a professor. Good thing she didn't actually use her claws on the experimental science professor but scraped her own flesh.

Rosella halted. tightening her fist at the side. Letting out a sigh. "I can't believe I nearly injured someone like a professor... oh if only Jinx was there I'm sure she'll hold me back," she thought blatantly clear, that she needs to work on controlling her anger.

Professor Siskas face flashed across her mind. somehow he knew of her biological name, by why is that? Does Patri know as well...  She shook her head clearing those thoughts. Reminding that she was heading to where Jinx was. Well, the last spot she never looked, which was the library.

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