7 | Fire Magic!

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Oh, it's like to have some time, to spare. When Lilly had a spare hour period after lunch, same as Estelle and Winter who were currently in the library, somewhere in the school was Ana; Lilly wouldn't want to disturb them, so she just was in the computer room, working on sketching and drawing on software to cut back sometime. She can't believe Rosella had a crush on the most laziness teacher assistant in the entire university.

Jinx and the rest were in their classes, Dongli is of course in gym class. Rosella couldn't just stop talking about how adorable Kuro is when she and Jinx came back to the cafeteria. but still, she had the feeling that Rosella wasn't telling her or the rest of them. Lilly could sense something that she never even spoke off, some hidden secret she never spoke to anyone about. Lilly wanted to try to get to the bottom of this secret.

Suddenly Lilly heard her brother's voice, from behind her "happy seeing to here sister?" totally surprised, Lilly used her left elbow up and right into Tristan's arm; Tristan screamed in pain, when his sister punched him, in his face, getting everyone's attention that was in the computer lab, Lilly!"

The computer lab teacher, turned around and shushed them, then spoke to everyone around, to go back to where they left off. Lilly turned the chair around and covered her mouth "oh sorry Tristan, I didn't see you there?" she responded

"I figured, but I did respond... why do you have to take that self-defence class?" he says rubbing his arm.

Lilly shrugged. "well I thought it was interesting so I went for it, plus I don't really want to have you sneak up behind me.. like that again," she said abruptly to Tristan

"well thought it was for fun.." responded Tristan causally

Lilly crossed her arms and glared at Tristan, but before she could speak, the teacher came up to them, "Miss Lilly, Mr. Tristan if you two plan to disturb my class, I would like to ask you to leave and find somewhere else to be noisy at" she spoke sternly in a snap of her fingers pointing at the door.

"fine by me" Lilly shrugged at grabbed her supplies to put them back in her bag and logged out of the computer; before she stood up and grabbed her brother's arm to drag him out of the computer lab.


Rosella was out in the university garden; where most of the fresh veggies and fruits grow for the cafeteria workers and the Home Economics Class; she had a spare right now. she was on a tree branch in cat form. gazing out through her purple eyes, unlike normal cats half-blood Werecats; has different colour eyes if they shift over while leaving her normal eye colour is light amber.

Rosella is high up in the foliage in case her white pelt is visible toward possessions, in the gardens. Rosella heard someone approaching the tree she was in she hunched up; her neck started to bristle as she turned around facing who would sneak up on her. she never seen anyone until she heard her voice being called, it seems very familiar "Tristan I saw Rosella go out this way earlier before class.." responded Lilly

Rosella turned back to the front, digging her claws in the branch and holding her tongue. Lilly... oh no...

"well I don't see your friend anywhere are you sure she is out of the garden Lilly?" asked Tristan

"positive..." responded Lilly earnestly and went to search for Rosella.

All Lilly found is nothing, Rosella stayed quiet in her tree, watching Lilly search. Rosella sense someone coming and turned her head to notice Kelli coming out of the greenhouse holding a bucket of carrots so she could go get back to making in the Home Economics class; Rosella chuckled softly when she and Tristan walked into each other or she bumped into him, spilling her picked carrots all over the ground; Kelli covered her mouth blushing embarrassingly as she looked at Tristan "oh my god, I am so sorry, I didn't see you.. let me—" she said apologetically as she crouch to grab the bucket and put it in an upright position.

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