16 | At the Fair

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The Autumn festival was underway, everyone around the city, or outside of the city has met up at this one location. some students that had taken classes at starlight university, was pilings somewhere in the crowds or helping out at booths; it was an early morning where the festivities were just been starting up though more rides were closed. Three girls the other girl was somewhere in the crowd. They were just standing in a center where people had expanded out on every corner or they are walking around. 

A hedgehog slept on Lilly's shoulders since early morning sunlight can be too harsh on the fellow vampire. Rosella had her arms crossed gazing around "alright let's quit standing around and do something?" she snorted

Kaora looked shocked at what Rosella said, so has Jinx through she could picture something had been troubling her lately. "Rosella, is something wrong? was the reason you had disappeared from when we were watching Lilly and La..." Kaora paused and looked at the brown-haired girl with translucent red lightings in her hair, covering her mouth as she felt embarrassment flush her in the face.

Lilly stood with crossed arms "you were spying on my lunch date?" responded Lilly in a question.

Kaora blinked mindlessly shocked. 'no no I wasn't.. we were... Rosella help me out here?" she asked her roommate and friend.

Rosella shrugged "seems like you have an excellent time...explaining yourself.." she smirked with her finger on her chin.

"you were spying... that is great thanks for the friendship, but I guess I will go my separate ways, for today..come on Lawless we could go have fun for ourselves.." Lilly says with her head up and walked away with the waking hedgehog on her shoulder and vanished into the crowd.

Suddenly Dongli hopped up with cotton candy in hand and holding a balloon; looking confused at where her roommate went. "where did Lilly go?" she asked

Rosella was the first to answer since Kaora had nothing to say and it looks like Jinx feels uncomfortable at the crowd. "who cares, Lilly had a right of way splitting our separate ways, for today... so we don't have to even look at each other.." started Rosella before being abruptly cut off by kaora.

"Rosella, what has gotten in you? you weren't like these days before.." yelled Kaora grabbing her friend's hand, hoping to get Rosella to her senses.

"I am fine... Kaora, I don't need to explain myself to anyone...or to you" yelled Rosella directly at Kaora, a snarling grin perched on her face, half-hidden from view, though she knew she can't keep up this act forever. What do I do? they will find out that Kuro Ash lashed out at me... my crush...

Rosella forced her hand to be free; glowering at Kaora. "Has something happened with Kuro, we should be concerned about?" she asked startled.

Rosella's eyes went wide and looked down "I don't have the slightest idea what you are referring to?" she spoke sadly, before racing off through the crowd of people. Jinx blinked startled " I will go talk to her?" she said and followed Rosella.

"something..." Kaora started as she started after Jinx disappeared through the crowd, following where Rosella went. 

Dongli piked up excited "oh let's not let them ruin our fun..come on Kaora you can join me..." she said and pulled Kaora off into the crowd. since when did Rosella... started to act like that...


With Jinx and Rosella

Jinx was walking through the crowd, trying to spot the familiar presence of Rosella, except she can't find where Rosella was since there were so many people. she just kept searching for Rosella, through the crowd. "Rosella do you you want to talk?" she spoke while forcing her way through the crowd when Jinx saw a whisp of something sped by. she followed it to where she saw Rosella sitting on a bench with some kind of vampire, with short black hair, wearing a black sunglasses over his eyes, he was sitting relaxed beside Rosella. 

Jinx couldn't believe what she was seeing, she cleared her throat. "am I interrupting?" she said 

The male looked up, meeting Jinx's eyesight with a dull expression. "we are now..." he spoke softly looking away.

Rosella looked down at the ground, not meeting Jinx's eyesight, but she acknowledged her friend's approach. "Rosella, can I talk to you..." she paused at the male vampire as she added "alone" as Jinx moved closer to the bench.

"fine... I know when I am not wanted" he spoke getting up as he laid a hand on Rosella's shoulder, looking at her with calm and caring eyes, before disappearing, leaving the music float through the air after his left. 

Rosella scooted over, for Jinx to sit down. "what do you want Jinx?" she asked with her head low. 

"why were you behaving so abruptly back there?" she asked smoothly.

"why? it wouldn't make a difference Jinx... if I told you what has caused this, in me..." she sighed full of heartbreak and regret.

Jinx blinked over at the response, hearing some sorrow in Rosella's voice. "I see, but-" she started before Rosella broke out of tears and wrapped her arms around Jinx for comfort, Jinx was bewildered, to say the least, but didn't bother to ply her whimpering friend off her, well not today at least.

With Lawless and Lilly

 As Lilly was walking through the other end of the fair with Lawless at her side, enjoying a nice sandwich. "sandwiches is quite the amusing treat, so tasty in every bite" mused Lawless, in a Shakespearean tone, holding his sandwich as he walked with his arm around Lilly. 

Lilly listened to him and nodded in every word, she narrowed her eyes as she spotted Katherine Collie with her pit crew and her younger sister, who she didn't recognize, they were coming out of a crowd "oh dear, here comes trouble" she halted, which made Lawless notice. 

"what's wrong?" he asked Lilly as he followed her eyes as he noticed her watching a group that was coming closer to them, he fixed his glasses, seeing the group. "well...." he started, before Lilly tugged on his arm and bolted around an empty booth that had been reserved. "are you out of your mind, I know those girls, especially the one in the lead...who I might add wasn't a nice girl that is for sure" she snapped in a whisper as she reached cover.

"I don't know... what went down thou, it is the art of a human who hates.'.." started Lawless in an overly dramatic way before Lilly had placed her hand against his mouth.

"she isn't nice.. at all.. ah I would do anything to burn her." spat Lilly under her breathe as she eyed the blue-haired girl with purplish-pink streaks through the hair. 

Lawless removed her hand from his mouth, with huge eyes overhearing Lilly's response. "thou wish to burn young mistress Katherine collie, art ah thou not" he whispered with a menacing stare directly at his girlfriend. 

Lilly blinked surprised that he overheard her. "ah I... when I say burn... I mean... get her back...expose her, for what she did to my two friends; yeah... not that I have powers that can really burn someone...because I don't" stuttered Lilly, with a small smile. 

Lawless nodded and smiled at Lilly's response. "well I thought you were.. nevermind" he said

Lilly grinned and leaned against his chest, chuckling, before glaring directly in the direction of the gang with a sinister glare at the lead. Just you wait Katherine Collie.. your turn will be next...

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