13 | Lawless

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After the latest development that had happened, with Dongli and her air horn. Rosella's ears still can't stop ringing from the noise despite holding her ears from the squealing sound; she fears Kaora was still trying to adjust her hearing from that incident as well. Rosella was walking down the hallway heading to her next class when she heard someone call her name; she looked behind her seeing that no one has called her, even in front of her. 

Rosella, walked over to the windows and gazed out and across from where she stood; couldn't see anyone calling to her. she then begin to turn away when a rock was seen and hit the window. Rosella turned back and gazed at the ground, there stood a guy with brown eyes, he had a pale skin complexion, he was tanned. He was wearing a blue baseball cape, green shirt, dark black jeans. With running shoes, he was leaning against a bike and was holding his backpack. That....that.... must be Lewis.. great just something I wasn't looking for... Rosella gasped as she gazed down at Lewis,  then growled and turned away, at a fast pace. "who cares, about him.." she muttered under her breath; as she reached her computer art class. 

without looking where she was going, Rosella ran right into Kuro., like she didn't see him for a second. Rosella held her head, feeling dizzy. she heard Kaora laugh off to the sidelines, with a snicker afterwards; she was more concerned "Rosella are you alright?" she says going up to her roommate and best friend. "yes, Kaora" she says holding her head.

Kuro got up using a nearby table desk for regaining his balance. Kaora helped Rosella to her feet. "I am sorry..." started Rosella as she realized who she ran into just then., blush formed on her cheeks as she stared at Kuro Ash. 

Kaora whispered over to Kuro "I think she has a crush on you" with a hidden wink.

Kuro blushed at Rosella, hearing Kaora's words nodding to her. I already figured...

Rosella overheard and turned her head at Kaora, flushed with anger. she cut herself off when someone spoke from behind her and Kaora, which seemed utter confusion for both of them. Kuro faced him  "hello brother what brings you here, I thought you prefer to stay in the drama room jotting up some notes and practicing your dramatic passions" responded Kuro 

Rosella and Kaora turned around and saw a pale male figure, with glasses on his face, his short hair is a golden brown colour;  crisped with black lining the tips of his hair.  a long scarf, outstretched over his neck and down the front at back of his body with a nice dramatic clothing style it seems. 

Rosella backed up and right into Kuro frighten; then again both of them fell over. Kaora clasped her hands over her mouth and chuckled softly at the sight. Rosella helped him to stand up, or to his knees. "oh my brother, you had no idea.." as he begins to do a little show with his Shakespeare "every day is are thow bright, with every step in the right directions" as he moved his hands out in a very dramatic way, his scarfs moved with his actions. 

Kaora stared at him, a bored expression plastered on her face. "is this dude for real" she asked in thought and out loud without meaning too, which Kuro Ash overhears. 

"yes, yes he is-" started  Kuro with his arm on the table, but before he paused when Lilly walked through the door literally bumped into the guy that was overly expressing himself, that he noticed Lilly, she paused a pace a two a millilitre to the door "sorry.." she says 

"no need to be-" paused Lawless as he stared at the brown-haired girl with red highlights outlining her hair as she held her books. Kaora leaned against Rosella who was standing beside her and Kuro; being in a slouched position, with his hands in his pockets. being right next to Rosella. 

Kaora cooed at the sight. "looks like..another articatix member is going to fall in love" she whispered in Rosella's ear. Rosella turned to Kaora, but couldn't figure out what to say, to her best friend and roommate. 

With Rosella, Kaora and Kuro watching the two of them. Kuro wasn't precisely watching his brother lawless and Lilly, being slightly asleep. "no no, I should be sorry, for bumping into you" she responded as Lilly looked up at lawless, but when she did that. The air started to lie still around the two of them. As Lilly stared at Lawless in his eyes and Lawless stared at Lilly in her eyes back again. "whoa deep inside, I felt like I have always known you... ah.." paused Lilly as she gazed at him, and though she never knew his name or had been; but she can't remember it.. it is complicated.

"it's Hyde Lawless.. or you could call me Lawless" he spoke solely taking Lilly's hands in his and lifted it to kiss one of them; which made Lilly blush very red. On the outside, Rosella and Kaora were forced to their seats, by Kuro Ash seeing the teacher has arrived and is trying and failing miserably to snap out Lilly and Lawless.

"What is yours?" he says softly

"Lill-" started Lilly when she heard an angry scowl from the teacher.

"Miss Lilly! this is not a loved class, go sit in your seat" he yelled

Lawless and Lilly snapped out of the trance, as they stared at the teacher. "I guess I better take my leave.." he started to back out of the class, taking the door handle as he went from the room.

Lilly, turned her attention shortly at Lawless as he slipped from the class, closing the door, blush was still formed against her cheek line. she whispered " Lilly my name is Lilly" she spoke before the door closed all the way and Lilly went to her seat, noticing Kaora and Rosella across the way as they giggled lovely at her. 

Meanwhile out in the hallway, Lawless was walking swiftly yet casually back to the drama department of starlight university; speaking a Shakespearean line about Lillies "A Lilly is an as gorgeous flower, it smells so sweet, so wonderful' it reminds me on how lovely a beautiful name you have Lilly" he spoke as he carried on "Lilly...you remind me of a certain someone I fell in love with along time ago"

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