[43] | Mysterious Sign

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Rosella and Jinx was lucky enough that they made it back to the dorms last night. The front door was locked but, some unknown person left the fire escape open by jabbing a rock at the edge. obviously Jinx was widely curious on who did such a thing. but didn't think on such action. whoever it was was a lifesaver to both of them.

Rosella wanted to know who did that, but never got the chance to ask before Jinx forced her to close the door leaving the rock outside. Both Girls climbed stairs in the fire escape, to quietly to their respected floors. Although Jinx would have to cross a bridge over to the next building from Rosella's floor, across from the elevator. In order to get to hers. but that's not Rosella's issue.

Still something looms on the golden blonde's mind, who was watching her and Jinx... and why did Tsubaki send her a sign... what did it mean?

In another area, of the floors and in a certain room, Kaora was laying under her covers wide awake, she knew she doesn't have to sleep. due to being a vampire. However she can't shake off a feeling that she just lied to Myde about someone she knew she had forgotten, possibly she had already met. Sharply glancing over to Dongli who is sleeping like a log and muttering about chicken nuggets.

Kaora sighed loudly, even that still didn't wake the annoying roommate turning over to the side, facing the wall. She stayed that way, blinking rapidly trying to count sheep. Kaora sighed again, and then decided to spring in a upright position. Sighing again, this time, rubbing her eyes. "thoughts keep flowing and I still can't snap in slumber" she mumbled under her breath. "I use to do it just fine!"

Kaora cursed herself and her vampire lineage, screaming loudly, showing some fang action. She turned upon her 'roommate' who clearly didn't wake at any slightest sound. "ugh, sometimes I wonder how much Dongli sleeps through every sound or noise" she questioned herself.

Kaora deeply sighed getting up, in progress of turning on her side table lamp and went to her private fridge to remove a 'juice' packet, which to Rosella and her it's just blood. Kaora poked a hole using a nail and grabbed a straw from the pantry cupboard to stick it in and she had a deep drank.

Leaning against the counter, and the dresser on her side. Holding her Blood packet with her right hand. Thoughts trailed through her head, sweat rolled down her face. Kaora slurped more and more. making a bit of red run down her chin, landing on her nightgown. She bit the straw. "what am I going to do? I'm sure that guy was Yukio? who nearly fell on top of me" she removed the packet from her teeth and clenched in her fist tightly. some of the blood from the packet squirted out of the straw, over the back of her hand, hitting her cheek and some trickled to the carpet flooring.

Kaora realized, blinking and grabbed a couple of paper towel and dabbed it on the carpet with her slipper, hoping no one will notice. chuckling nervously. While she was doing that. her light on the night stand flickered on and off.


Lilly was also awake looking at her oversized gloved hands concerned. she didn't bother going to the first day back to university, assembly in the indoor amphitheatre for announcements. When she arrived with Tristan and Kelli. It was ongoing Lilly thought it had. What she was doing well, she still freaking out over not burning her brother's vehicle with these freaking powers. and her own stuff at that. Her university stuff is still in boxes.

Lilly looked at the boxes, with her stuff still packed tightly inside. "Tristan you could have helped me unpack? ya know?" she sneered and cursed under her breath.

Yet, she knew that he didn't due to having to his room and helping Kelli unpack. "okay, just because you don't kindly help your own sister with her belongings you help your girlfriend" she heard her thoughts loud and clear.

"How am I? even going to arrange my stuff now... with this power it's terrible, I wish it wasn't gifted to me!" Lilly cursed moving closer to the edge of the bed, swinging her legs to touch the floor. Seeing a desk and a dresser at the opposite end. "and I'm in a single bed dorm all by myself this semester" she sighed "great now how am I going to open the door to go to my classes this morning?"

Lilly fell backwards on the mattress of the bed, clutching her hands together, overly afraid of touching it. "I hope someone comes to save me?" Lilly thought loudly. whispering a plea for Lawless her crush aka the drama teacher to come to her rescue.

Tears fell from her eyes.

Apart from Lilly and Kaora. Jinx and Rosella, managed to slowly get back to their separate dorms, in a dark and gloomy hallway from the fire escape. After getting back late, from the long talk in the library. The other three that is more conservative and reserved slept through the night, Ana has a single dorm room, and Winter and Estelle are again roommates in a dorm room, their powers aren't a big deal to them, but to others it's quite the pickle.

Rosella opened up the door to her room, she shares with the black-haired girl who has blue strands in her bangs. Rosella believed that her name was Lucia. Rosella avoided turning the main ceiling light on, to wake her roommate up, to disturb her beauty sleep. Even that means Rosella had to stub her toes on the frame of her desk and then ram her side into her bed post. Fighting back her yelps every time. She attempted to bite down her lip, moving carefully forward. she removed her Jeans while leaning to the wall balancing to once side while holding the side she rammed into, trying to move around.

Questioning to herself why the hell the university dorms have chunky furniture. Rosella removed her shirt and let it fall on the ground, before moving her bedsheets away, before crawling under the covers, in the process of shuffling her jeans near her bed and her shirt. So, it's not so far away. Rosella was too lazy to change into her pajamas. So, she slept in her camisole, bra and panties for the rest of the night.

Rosella turned to the wall, where she can lay her bandaged forearm on top of the covers so she won't rub it against the sheets. She was well aware of the Redding of the wrapped bandages, from her claw scratches and Rosella drifted off to sleep.

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