9 | Jinx's Family

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By the time, Jinx pulled into her family's driveway, Rosella had calmed down and her werecat signs disappeared but her fangs; which just turned to her ordinary cat fangs, which seem hidden from one's eyesight. "I'm glad to be here with you Jinx" she started when the car went to a stop and Jinx had swiped at the gear to put it in a permanent stop, before turning to Rosella with a smile on her face. as Jinx heard a loud yell coming from outside of her car.

Rosella freaked out and tried to duck down, under the dashboard of Jinx's car; but turned out it was only from Siria Jinx's younger sister who was thrilled to see her, Jinx chuckled at Rosella's reaction.  "it's alright Rosella, it is just my sister that is making the noise" she said calmly
Rosella blushed in embarrassment, sitting up in the seat once more "oh..." she said lightly.

Jinx looked at Rosella, before taking out her key beckoning for Rosella to climb out of her mobile vehicle. Rosella removed the seat belt and grabbed her backpack, while her free hand is on the inside handle. she heard a click and pushed the door open, shifting her body to get out. Rosella turned to Jinx as she did the same to exit from the driver's side of her car, except reaching over in the middle of the backseat to pull over her bag.

Rosella then saw Siria bombard Jinx's side right into a hug. Jinx literally let go of her bag that went smackdown on the driveway as Siria hugged her big sister. Rosella got out and stretched a bit while chuckling, she grabbed her backpack and pulled it out and over one shoulder before closing the door again. she walked around to the left side of the car. "Sireena, please... " she says blushing embarrassingly and rolling her eyes.

Rosella chuckled, as she approached Jinx's side. "well that's just hilarious..." she started before Jinx looked over at her not saying anything about it; though Rosella could guess what she is thinking and it wasn't pleasant. Rosella put her hands in her jeans and went quiet; while biting her lip with a small wiggle of her body looking slightly away. "alright"

Jinx plied her sister's arms off her. "okay that's enough of that" she says at Siria as she moved her hands off her and backed away a little bit. "why don't you run back to the house and tell our parents that returned" she whispered to Siria.
Siria blinked and turned around overjoyed that Jinx spoke. "alright" she squeaked and raced back to the house.

Rosella grinned spontaneously at Jinx and started to whistle quietly. Jinx reached for her bag to pick it up and then put it over her shoulder. she used her arm and pushed the driver's door closed. Jinx blinked hearing Rosella whistle. "I know what your thinking Rosella and I would appreciate for you to stop" she spoke before she faced her friend.

Rosella smiled at Jinx, stopping from swaying and her thoughts that were going in her head. "okay... really I never once knew you have low emotional investment... and that seems likely"
Jinx shrugged' shaking her head slowly. "yeah, it's just my sister always..." started Jinx slightly looking at the ground; before Rosella placed her hand on her shoulder smiling at her friends softly.
"don't worry about it, I have three siblings one if which always looks up to me and hugs the death of me.. " she chuckled

Jinx nodded and grabbed Rosella's hand; started to walk over to the house with their gear in hand, beforehand Jinx turned around and beeped the remote at her car to lock it. Rosella felt the sensation came off of the flowers and bushes; well almost from everything around her. Rosella blinked surprised, feeling comfortable.

Jinx noticed Rosella and realized that she was gaining energy. Rosella was about to shift into her cat form to run through the yard, but quickly grabbed her arm and brought her over to her front door.
"Jinx what did you do that for?" snapped Rosella
"Sorry, but you were going to run through my family's yard... and was about to show your secret" Jinx whispered under earshot to Rosella.

Rosella opened her mouth to speak until the door opened up and what a coincidence it's Jinx's father, Scott at the door; he ran all of the school boards as a head boss, one of which was connected to Starlight University, so it wasn't hard to get his daughters in a good school. Rosella nodded at Jinx, before grinning. "I thought I heard you out here Jinx," he says holding the door open.

"oh I haven't seen you for so long dad" gushed Jinx.
"how are your grades at starlight university and I heard you were the council president" he responded
"My grades are fine and About that, I stepped down—" Jinx cut herself off as she stared at Rosella.
Rosella stepped aside, letting the two catch up, Jinx beckoned her hand over to Rosella to joined them. Scott blinked surprised when Rosella joined them. "what happened with Katherine Collie?" he asked surprised

Rosella growled low under earshot at the mention of that name. "Well she is no longer my friend, ever since she begins to control me around; days after I stepped down as the council president because she spread a rumour about me and Rosella..." she pointed at herself and Rosella.
Rosella looked at Jinx, a shocked expression lay on her face she is leaving out the scene, she started and happened to gain storm magic... I wonder how she is coping with it.

"I see—" he spoke gently before his eyes shot out wide realizing that it was a great relief. "this is such great news!" he yelled pulling Jinx into a hug, which she happened to be holding Rosella's hand.
Rosella let go of Jinx's hand, before Jinx's father managed to pull herself; along with her. Jinx grumbled "dad" under her breath. Rosella chuckled softly, amusement flashed across her eyesight.

Jinx used her weight to push away her father or tried to at least because she knew how he enjoys working out at the gym. Scott realized that she has low emotional investment and let her go. Jinx fell to the porch on her hands and knees; before hopping to her feet again in relief. Jinx heard Rosella laughing beside her "I'm sorry Jinx, but I can't hold in the laughter anymore.. " she snorted in amusement.

Jinx rolled her eyes at her friend. "I could see that!" she huffed annoyed, before giving a small slap to Rosella's head' which shut her up quickly.
"ow, what did you do that for?" she asked holding her hand to her cheek.
Jinx shook her head. "I'm sorry for the excitement earlier; I just really didn't like that popular chick..." apologized Scott at the door
"It's okay dad..." shrugged Jinx.

Laria came to the door, as Jinx thought she probably heard the noise or maybe felt the fresh air seeping through the house "why are you standing in the doorway come on in?!" she invited.

Jinx waved at her mother; before she picked up her shoulder bag and walked inside the house. Rosella followed Jinx going through the door, slipping past Scott and Laria; while holding her backpack strap over her one shoulder.

Rosella heard Laria call her and Jinx back; maybe just her, but Jinx turned around and stepped beside her friend.   "What's your name?" she says pointing at Rosella.

"Rosella Dream, I am a Starlight university student, known around as the intelligent one," she says dearly nervous.
"she was victim to Katherine collie on the second day there. in the public apartment bathroom, no less I just couldn't stand there to watch so I helped her out." Jinx explained
"Too much information Jinx, but good for you" responded Laria before she kissed Scott's cheek and left to head back to the kitchen right before she said to Rosella "it's nice to meet you rose"

Siria chuckled softly as she crouched in the den around the corner. Jinx turned around and beckoned Rosella to follow her upstairs to her bedroom. Rosella raced to the stairs and charged up after her; hoping to give her a present.

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