Chapter 5

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Minju's POV

The day I dread the most is here. How much I want to stay here in bed but my sister is pulling me out of the house and downstairs, I could only let her drag me. The sky was clear, what a way to contrast the blurry feeling inside me. I then saw a lavish black car waiting outside for us right at the entrance of the apartment building.

Hyewon eonnie tugged me further. "Come on, she's not going to like waiting," she said and yanked me out even further from the lobby door.

We got into Eunbi eonnie's car and left for Yena's house. On the way, I've been constantly telling myself everything is alright and that nothing is going to happen. What could possibly happen? Maybe just the thought that I might stay frozen the moment I see a familiar figure. The cars outside seemed to move at a faster pace today or is my mind slowing down... It was not until I remembered something, or rather someone.

"Yah, we forgot to pick Chaewon up."

"You dumbass we're here."

I looked out the window and see Chaewon standing right in front of the car door. She bent down slightly and smiled before opening the door. I scooted over slightly while unknowingly smiling too.

"Hey," she said and my smile turned into an anxious one the moment I remembered why we're even here. She made herself comfortable before speaking.

"You, okay?" she asked and looked at me with worried eyes, perhaps my expression gave it off.

"Yeah, I'm good," I assured and she smiled while leaning on the leathered seat.


After a while, we eventually reached Yena's house. We got off the car and headed to the door. Before we could even knock or press the bell, Yena came out and shouted right in front of our faces.

"OI CHINGUDEULS!" she exclaimed and opened the door wider to let us in. She seemed to be extremely excited.

"Come on in! We're halfway done."

"Already?" Chaewon asked and she nodded while walking in first.

We went in after taking off our shoes and saw the interior. A banner hung across the living room with the words 'Welcome Back' hugely imprinted on it. The aroma of food slowly filled our noses as I looked around. Wow, so much for a mini party. Yuri then came walking towards me, looking like she's going to ask me something.

"Min, help me with the food." She said and pulled me to the kitchen where Chaeyeon was.

"Oh, you're here!" Chaeyeon said while wiping her hands and turning to face me.

"What can I help with?" I asked while taking the spare apron hung beside the fridge as I swiftly put it on.

"Uhm could you help with the cake?"

"Ehh, I don't know how to bake," I said while shaking my head. I really suck at baking. You leave me in a kitchen with an oven, make sure to call the fire department in advance. You'd never know what could happen.

"Make some sandwich then," Yuri asked and I nodded while taking the bread from the countertop.

"You know what she likes, right?" Chaeyeon said and I went to work right away. Sure...that's all I know how to make anyways.

"Did you bring what I told you to bring?" Yuri asked me while I was toasting the bread on the pan.

"Uhh yeah, it's in that bag," I said while gesturing into a paper bag.

"Yah Minju-ah, only one?" She said while taking out a pack of gummy bears.

"What? That's what she likes..." I said while pouting with my hands busy.

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