Chapter 23

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A few days have past and the two have decided to have their families meet officially for the first time since they haven't actually introduced each other's families. Yes, Minju's parents know exactly who Yujin is and who her father is, but they haven't had a little 'meeting' with all of them included. Like, a family dinner or you could say 'meet the parents'. They thought it would be a good idea so everyone could get rid of the tension between the families from the incident that happened ages ago.

"Babe, you ready?" Minju called Yujin who was still in the bathroom. They're currently in Yujin's house.

"Almost," Yujin replied while straightening her outfit. She smiled in the mirror and went out of the bathroom.

"How do I look?" Yujin said while presenting herself wearing a white shirt topped with a denim jacket and black long pants.

Minju turned around to be awestruck by how cute the latter looked even when the outfit was supposed to be cool.

"You look cute love, now come on. We don't want to be late." Minju reached out her hand which Yujin gladly took it.

"Who's driving?" Minju asked while Yujin pointed at herself. She grabbed the keys and off they went to Yujin's car. Now that both of them can drive, they usually take turns whenever they go out or anything.

As usual, Yujin opened the car door for Minju before circling around and entering the car herself. This little considerate gesture is certainly puts a smile on the brunette's face.

"Minju-ah." Yujin called out which made the latter turn her head. She got a little weirded out since she's using her name.

"Yes?" Minju raised an eyebrow.

"Let's live together."

"Suddenly?" Minju uttered while tilting her head.

"Mmhm." Yujin hummed while glancing at Minju for a split second.

Minju thought for a while. "Why?" was the only word that came out of Minju's mouth.

The car stopped at a red light while Yujin turned and faced Minju.

"You're really asking me why?" Yujin gave a look of surprise mixed with disbelief. Minju nodded innocently while staring at Yujin with her glistening eyes which could only bring butterflies to Yujin's stomach.

"Because I want to stay with you." Yujin leaned closer and gave a light peck on Minju's forehead before driving again.

"Oh..." Minju nodded while turning her head back to the front. Yujin chuckled lightly before shaking her head.

"Just when I thought you've changed, you're still the Minju I knew in high school." Yujin smiled, showing her dimples.

"As slow-witted as ever." The taller uttered which earned a slight pinch on her cheek from the brunette. "But you're cute though."

"But where are we staying? We both have our own place." Minju questioned as she sat up properly since she was slouching comfortably on the seat.

"Hmm...your place?" Yujin suggested which earned a confused Minju.

"Isn't your place bigger?"

"Oh so you want to stay at my place." Yujin smirked. Minju pressed her lips together.

"I prefer your place. It's warm and cozy unlike mine. Too big. Very empty. Nah." Yujin straight up answered all the questions Minju had in her mind.

"Then what are you going to do about your house?" Minju asked while placing her elbow on the arm rest and supporting her chin, gazing at driver Yujin.

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