Chapter 25

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When she arrived, her manager gave her the room key and she went up to the allocated room. Minju was then greeted by a normal-sized hotel room but when she went in, she expected to only have one bed but there were two. No one from her company came with her as she's the only one doing this mini-drama. She tilted her head and slowly unpacked her things.

After which, she texted her manager why there was a separate bed and surprisingly, there will be someone rooming with her since they wanted to cut the costs down, knowing it would only be a small drama they're filming, like a mini-series.

Not long after, she heard a few knocks and jolted up, feeling all anxious as she slowly made her way towards the door. She doesn't know what or who to expect since everything is rather new to her, or should I say, rooming with a complete stranger.

She slowly opened the door to be greeted by a tall girl, almost the same height as Yujin but she thinks Yujin is taller. She looked up while the girl smiled at her warmly, but it scared Minju a little.

"Hello, I've been told that I'll be your roommate for this whole drama thing?" The girl spoke in English which made Minju confused as she raised an eyebrow.

She saw how Minju didn't answer her. ", me, share this room?" The girl spoke again while Minju nodded with knowledge of a little English.

The girl let out a sigh of relief as Minju made way for her to enter. Minju furrowed her eyebrows because the latter looked Asian...almost as if she was Korean too but it made Minju wonder, why is she speaking English?

She then read her manager's message again and it said she came from a Boston agency. She opened her mouth and looked at the girl who was unpacking. The word Boston creeps her out though.

"Why does she look so...Korean?" Minju mumbled as the girl turned around as if she heard what she said. The girl then made her way and suddenly sat in front of Minju who was sitting on one of the chairs beside the coffee table.

"Hehe sorry, but my manager didn't tell me much about you...may I know where you came from or what's your name?" The girl asked politely but kinda shook her head since she remembered Minju doesn't speak english. From all the brunette knows, the girl was asking for her name.

"Minju, Kim Minju." she uttered and was greeted by a shocked face from the girl.

"You're from Korea?!" The girl spoke Korean which flattered Minju as she slowly nodded. "Ne."

"Aye! I'm from Korea too, I just went to Boston to study and have been working there since then. It's been long since I've seen another Korean person." The girl said and chuckled, seemingly comfortable with Minju while the brunette loosened up a little.

Even though they were both quite well known in their own countries, they still didn't know much about each other, let alone each other's history or life. It was getting a little quiet while they just sat there until the girl realised.

"Ah, I'm Gyuri and I think I'm older than you? I mean, you look pretty young."

"I'm 23."

"I see, you can call me Gyuri unnie if you want." She smiled before looking at Minju who smiled back.

The brunette tilted her phone to see what time it was and the person on her wall paper looked familiar to the taller girl.

"Hold up..." She said and went closer to peek at Minju's phone while the brunette raised an eyebrow, honestly a little, just a tiny bit, uncomfortable.

"You know her?" Gyuri asked while Minju nodded and smiled, looking at her, wondering why she reacted that way. "Ahh, she's my friend when she was in Boston studying." She said while Minju tapped on the screen and showed the wallpaper to Gyuri.

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