Reborn as a villainess

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Chapter 5


The next morning Y/N woke up by hearing Yuna calling her name....... She woke up by rubbing her eyes. She was still sleepy...

Y/N: ....... What happened Yuna why are you calling my name so early in the morning??

Yuna: My lady the empire has invited you to the palace today.....

Y/N: Oh WOW!! That's great I was also thinking about giving them a visit...

Yuna: My lady is you going to talk about canceling the engagement today...

Y/N: hmm Yuna you truly are smart uh....

Yuna: Thank you, My lady... My lady, I am gonna support you no matter what like I said........

Y/N: Thank you Yuna but now let's get ready..........


Now Y/N was on her way towards the emporer's garden where the prince and the Emporer were waiting for her.........

Y/N took a day deep breathe before she entered through the door ...... After she entered she saw the Emporer was sitting on the tea table with the crown prince by his side.......

Y/N: Well I will be lying if I say that Jungkook is even more handsome in real life than in the webtoon.........

Emporer: Oh my good morning miss Y/N ..... I am so pleased that you can come........

Y/N: good morning and the pleasure is all mine.......

Emporer: Now come have a sit here......

Y/N in mind: So in the whole webtoon the Emporer was the only one who supported Y/N ........

Y/N goes and sits beside Jungkook who was sitting quietly..........

Emporer: So Y/N tell me how are you I heard that you had a high fever???

Y/N: Hmm yeah I kinda got a fever..... But I am all okay now.......

Emporer: Oh that's good to hear. But the reason I called you here is for something else......

Y/N: What is that about???

Emporer: Oh it's about your engagement with the prince......

Y/N: I also have something to say about the engagement.....

Emporer: sure what is it go ahead???

Y/N: After you......

Emporer: So Y/N I think it's time we will announce your engagement at the prince's upcoming age ceremony..... What do you think about it??

Y/N: Oh........ But I have something else to say...... 

Emporer: Sure sure go ahead we will listen to your opinion.....

Y/N: Your highness I want to cancel the......... Engagement...... 

Emporer: WHAT??!! ..... What are you talking about??

Jungkook's face suddenly changes its expression..... It was like horror stuck....but he still keep silent.

Y/N: Your highness don't get me wrong but I just don't want to I mean the crown prince doesn't even love me.......

Jungkook: Y/N we need to talk..... Excuse us, your highness

By saying that he holds Y/N's wrist tightly and takes her so somewhere else.......

After reaching there..........

Y/N: What was that??!!

Jungkook: What are heck are you talking about I never knew you were crazy..... At first, you were like you loved me more than and now you want to. Cancel the engagement.

Y/N: Yeah I know what I am talking about I WAS in love with you but that was in the past.....  I have realized that I was the only one who was in love but the other person was not that's why I said I want you to cancel the engagement........

Jungkook: Oh why I guess what some people say is right.  That people's change in the blink of an eye.....

Y/N: Why are you talking about all this stuff right now isn't it what you wanted to cancel the engagement......

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