Reborn as a villainess

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Chapter 12

Y/N and jimin were right in front of jungkook's palace......

They were stand there when jungkook came out of the palace.  Jungkook then said.

Jungkook : Welcome Miss Y/N and sir jimin.

Y/N : We are really honored to be here your highness crown prince.

Jimin : it's really a pleasure to have a to stay with you your highness and it all thanks to you Y/Nie....

Jungkook : It is my pleasure too sir jimin. And please follow me inside.

Jimin : Sure .

Y/N : Let's get inside......

All of them went inside the palace.  Jungkook was kind of angry to see jimin and Y/N this much close. 

Jungkook  In mind : Why does Y/N come with this jimin guy and there look so close..... Y/N litterly told me in the letter that they meet one week ago. But they are acting like they have been friends for 5 years now....  But why is this making me this much angry. I also hate Y/N right I think she is clingy and annoying then why am I being this much angry. She can be with any guy she want...... 

They all went inside. Jungkook showed jimin his room and was on his way to show Y/N her room.......

Jungkook : Miss Y/N I am really sorry for want you are going through for me.

Y/N : Not at all your highness I thought that you will be uncomfortable to stay with me so I thought of  cancelling at first but then your highness yourself send me the letter telling me to stay so I agreed and now jimin use also here.

Y/N in mind : Gosh no Matter how many times I look at this face it never gets old. I can understand why the Y/N in the webtoon feel in love with him. WTF!!      Y/N what are you thinking... He was the one who killed you. But still he didn't knew the truth and the dumb Y/N in here didn't even tried to tell anyone that she didn't did any of it... Like God.

Jungkook : so miss Y/N it looks like sir jimin and you are really close that you call each other with nick names...

Y/N : yeah we kind of got close with each other in this one week.

Jungkook in mind : Y/N you said that you really loved me more than anything and here you are with another man. But why do I even care?! This all is just an act to gain the emporer's favour. I would have cancelled the engagement that day if it was not for the emporer.

Jungkook : Oh that's good to hear. But you remember right that this is all just an act.

Y/N : Of course I do your highness.

Jungkook : Oh we have reached at your room where you will be staying. Call the servants or the butler if you want anything.

Y/N : Sure thank you.

With that jungkook left from there Y/N went towards the washroom to get freshened. After she got freshened she came out of the bathroom only to find Jimin sitting in the bed.

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