Reborn as a villainess

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Chapter 14

Y/N : Your highness you are joking right.

Jungkook  : Why will I joke with you.

Y/N : ah...  Then why do me need to go on a walk together.

Jungkook : Because it was said on the letter the emporer send me.

Y/N : What??

Jungkook : Hmm yeah in the letter the emporer send me about you staying here said that I need to take you walks and on evening teas...

Y/N : Oh oh I get it now but do we need to do it like the emporer is not here right now.

Jungkook : Yeah we need to do it the emporer maybe not here but he send some maids from his palace to here to spy on us he doubted on our relationship.

Y/N : Oh now we have to act all lovey dovey all the time.

Jungkook : Yeah.  I am sorry...

Y/N : Please don't be sorry it's okay.

Jungkook in mind : I am really sorry Y/N but I have to do it I am really sorry that I lied to you about the emporer and the whole thing but I just control myself seeing you so close with that jimin. I don't know why but I can't. I want you want you stay all close to me. I don't want to share you with anyone else...

Jungkook : OK then let's go.

Y/N in mind : I really thought he was asking me out on a date but why was my heart beating so fast. I thought my heart is about to came out but anyways let's go with him now.  I mean it's not bad to go on a date with this handsome man even if it's fake.  She not again Y/N !!

Y/N : Sure let's go.

Both of them got out of the office.

Jungkook : Miss Y/N can you give me your hand...

Y/N : s-sure...

Jungkook took her hand and hold it tightly...

Jungkook : Don't misunderstand but the maids are near.

Y/N : o-ok

They both walk towards the garden with holding each others hand. But little did they know someone was watching them from behind.....

It was jimin.

Jimin in mind : Why does that freak and Y/N holding hands??  Does they love each other?? No on that can't be Y/N said she hates him now but still it's her first love.  Y/N he treated you like that all this time but you still holding his hand. Why?? ....

Meanwhile both of them in the garden.

Jungkook : So miss Y/N how have you been??

Y/N : I have been great what about you your highness...

Jungkook : I am doing just fine.

They both had a little awkward silence but Y/N broke....

Y/N : So your highness how long are we gonna continue the act.

Jungkook : Just bear it until the emporer supports me....

Y/N : OK.

Y/N in mind : Don't worry jungkook you will not even care about the act when the female lead appear you will just care about her and I will be forgotten..... But atleast this time I won't die......

Y/N was deep in her thoughts when suddenly she tripped on a bunch of tree and was about to fall.......

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