Reborn as a villainess

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Chapter 15

Y/N suddenly tripped her leg in a branch of tree but someone caught her by her waist.....

She closed her eyes as she knew she was going to fall but as someone hold her by her waist she was shocked and opened her eyes to check who the person was.

It was JUNGKOOK....

They shared a moment of eye contact with each other but jungkook broke the silence......

Jungkook : Ar-Are you okay?

Y/N : Ah - Hmm.... Yeah.

Jungkook : Okay then.

Y/N : Thank you!! ( blushing)

Jungkook : No problem....

Jungkook in mind : Why the heck is my heart beating so fast like its about to come out.... Y/N was about to fall I couldn't help but catch her. But why did I caught her I should have let her fall. I hate her right.

Y/N in mind : God thank you I thought I was about to fall but this handsome freaking man caught me. WOW!!  I thought he hated me but he caught me....WTF are you thinking Y/N he caught you out if pity. But why is my heart beating so much. And my cheeks getting heated... 

Both Y/N and jungkook were deep in there thoughts about the incident that happened but the thing is jungkook was still holding Y/n's waist....

They were still thinking when someone interrupted them.....

??? : Y/N what are you doing?

They both came back from were thoughts and jimin standing in front of them....

Y/N : Oh jimin!!  We are just talking a walk.

While Y/N was talking with jimin,  jungkook was standing there full of anger but his hands were still on her waist....

Jimin : Then let's go we need to finish.

Y/N : What??

Jimin : What we were doing....

Y/N : Oh Oka....

Jungkook : What were you both doing Miss Y/N...

Y/N : Just discussing somethings...

Jungkook in mind : Wow she moved on really easily from me didn't she.... Why do I even care it's what I wanted after all. But what were both of them doing??  Maybe they Were ---- No no they were not Y/N is not like that..... Why is this whole this making me so angry from the moment this jimin entered everything thing was fine until he showed up....

Jungkook : Hmm....

Y/N : Then we will be going your highness.

Jungkook : Hmm.. Miss Y/N we also have to eat lunch together. If you are comfortable.

Y/N : Okay I have no problem your highness then let's go jimin....

Jimin : OK let's go....

Both Jimin and Y/N got out of there leaving a angry and confused jungkook behind .

* On their way *

Y/N : What were you doing there?

Jimin : Nothing was just passing by.

Y/N : But I told you to wait for me in the room.

Jimin : Yeah!  But I needed some fresh air that's why.

Jimin in mind : I am so sorry I didn't mean lie to you I was so jealous when I saw that jerk holding you by your waist I couldn't control myself. I hate it Y/N when you talk or do anything with other guys. I want you all for me I don't want to share you...... But I am a coward I am afraid to loose you when I confess to you. That jerk was holding you and looking into your eyes like there is no more tomorrow......

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