Reborn as a Villainess

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Chapter 21

At the palace,

Y/n was sleeping peacefully in her bedroom. When Yuna came knocking through the door.

Yuna: My lady, please wake up. His highness has called you to have breakfast with him..

Y/n: What? It's morning already. But I just went to sleep. Let me sleep a bit more.

Yuna: But My lady, His highness is calling you to have breakfast with him

Y/n: WHAT?! what did you just say? Jungkook called me to have breakfast with him? Why didn't you tell me this before?

Yuna: My lady, I have been telling you this since the beginning.

Y/n: Oh no! I have to get ready fast. Please get the bath ready Yuna.

Yuna: Yes, My lady.

While Y/n was getting ready to have breakfast with Jungkook, Jimin went into the Queen's palace...

He teleported there using magic,

Jimin was waiting in the Queen's office room. After a while, The queen came into the room.

The queen: Wait!! Who are you ?? How did you enter the room without permission? GUARDS TAKE HIM OUT.

Jimin: No one can hear your voice or enter this room so, there is no point in calling the guards.

The queen: Who are you?? Why are you here?! What do you want??

Jimin: One question at a time, please. The

queen: Who are you?

Jimin: I am Park Jimin. The head of the magic tower.

The Queen: How did you get in here?

Jimin: What do you expect from the head of the magic tower? I teleported here.

The queen: Ok, so what do you want from me??

Jimin: I want you to go ahead with your plans with canceling Y/n and His highness's wedding ??

Meanwhile in the palace,

Jungkook at the breakfast table...

Jungkook in his mind: Is Y/n ready yet? Maybe I called her for the breakfast too early. She must be too exhausted after yesterday. I should let her sleep we can have breakfast tomorrow. Let me send someone to tell her that we will have breakfast another day together.

Y/n: Good morning Your Highness.

Jungkook: Ah-oh Good morning Y/n and I told you to not call me with that name just call me what you said yesterday.

Y/n: ( blushes ) Sure Jungkook.

Jungkook: ( turns towards the other maids and guards ) You can all leave now...

All of them leaves the room, now Jungkook and Y/n were all alone in the room

Jungkook: Y/n, Did you have a good sleep?

Y/n: Yes Your- No Jungkook ...

Jungkook: Okay, Y/n I need to tell you something important

Y/n: Yes?

Jungkook: It's about the queen. As I told you yesterday, she is planning on canceling our engagement. I denied it but I don't think she is gonna give up that easily. And I don't think that Minji girl is all that good. I think she also has a hand behind this whole thing too.

Y/n in mind: But Minji is the main character. She is going to be the best female character present here...

Y/n was about to say something to Jungkook when they both got interrupted ...

???? : Good morning to you both

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