Reborn as a Villainess

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Chapter 22

??? : Good morning both of you....

They both looked towards where the voice came from and it turned out to be Jimin....

He was standing there in a black suit and his eyes were red, they were supposed to be blue light but they were red

Y/n: Good morning Jimin
Jungkook: Morning.

Jungkook said to him coldly...

Jimin: So what are you both up to?

His voice has also changed a bit, it got a little deep...

Y/n: Nothing just having breakfast. When did you come?
Y/n in mind: God! He came so suddenly. What is he doing here now? Wasn't he supposed to be in his tower...

Jimin: Y/n can I talk with you for a bit?
Y/n: Sure tell me
Jimin: Alone.
Y/n: Oh okay.

As Y/n was about to get up and go with Jimin, Jungkook called from behind

Jungkook: Why do you both need to talk "Alone"?!
Jimin: It's none of your business.
Jungkook: Yes it is. She is my fiance.
Jimin: Well you used to treat her like trash. Now let's go Y/n.
Jungkook: I never treated her like trash you jerk.

Y/n in mind: They are getting out of hand but I don't know what's wrong with Jimin. I know he gets angry when he sees me with Jungkook because he doesn't want me to get hurt but he never says anything about it he just stays quiet. What happened to him today?


Both Jungkook and Jimin stopped quarrelling and looked toward Y/n...

Jimin: I am sorry Y/n but I need to tell you something
Jungkook: Babe I just wanted to know why he wants to talk with you alone.

He said stretching the word Babe

Y/n: It's fine kookie. Just wait here I will be back in a few minutes
Jungkook: But-
Y/n: It's ok...
Jungkook: Fine then but be back really quickly (he said glaring towards Jimin)
Y/n: I will

Both Jimin and Y/n left the room leaving Jungkook behind... They entered Y/n's room

Y/n: So, now tell me about it? What is it?
Jimin: Y/n, Are you in love with that bastard?!
Y/n: Hey! Could you not call him that? And yes I love him... (She said while blushing)                           
Jimin: What do you mean? ... U can't love him... U are destined with me. I MADE THE SPELL FOR YOU TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ME. HOW CAN YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM. WHY IS THE SPELL NOT WORKING?!
Y/n: w-what?... What do u mean by spell?.... - what are you talking about?

I was in pure shock. What was he talking about? What does he mean I was going to fall in love with him? What is he talking about?...

Jimin: shit- Y/n it's not what you think it is. I-I was just angry and said whatever I wanted. The-there is no spell. Sh-she made me d-do it.

I was about to break down. I can't trust a word he is saying. He is lying. He used a love spell on me. I was about to confront him for his lies when the door opened behind us.

??? : The food which you were about to eat had spells...

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