To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter 19
James POV:
I'm still in the hospital. I wasn't yet cleared to go home last night. I convinced Jess to go home and get some sleep because she has been here since the accident and she looked exhausted. I'm really hoping this medicine that they gave me will help and get me a good rating by the Doctor so that I can go home. There was a knock on my door. I just told whoever that it was open. I watched and waited until the door opened and who emerged from the other side I could not even believe.

"Hi James." 
I looked at my father's girlfriend in disbelief "What are you doing here?" 
"I know that I'm the last person that you want to see." 
"Exactly so why are you even here."

"I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to tell you something."

I rolled my eyes, what could she possibly have to tell me that I didn't already know? "You think that you can just waltz into my life and corrupt my already corrupted father and expect me to fall head over heals for you and to just be so in love with the idea of another women figure in my life and the idea of another mother."
"Don't blame this whole situation on me. Your father lied to me and never told me about you. The first time I actually found out the truth was today!" 
"You are not and will never be my mother. You can be my fathers little toy and he can tell you until the day is long that he loves you and make you feel some type of way. But you will never matter to me you will never take my mothers place and you will never be able to look at me and proudly call me your step son." My head started to hurt a little bit from yelling at her, why am I letting myself get so worked up over this? I already knew the truth about this whole relationship before it even began. My father was using her to get to me and to try and prove to me that I truly was nothing to him. I knew all of this, I needed to calm down.
"Well that's fine. I never was in this to get your approval anyway or for you to feel like I am your new mother. And your father does love me whether you believe it or not. But that is completely beside the point. I'm here to tell you that your father is in jail."
"Well that doesn't surprise me." 
"He was robbing a gun store."
My father being in jail did not surprise me, however the reason he was in jail did. "Why was he robbing a gun store?" 
"Why do you think? He wanted to use it on you. He wanted to gone. He wanted to rip you out of Jess's life. He wanted to never have to look at you or hear you ever again."
"And you are completely okay with this? You are okay with your new found boyfriend trying to murder his son." 
"James you may think that I hate you. And that I am an accomplice to all of what your dad is doing to you. This is the first time I have heard about it being this serious or being this bad. This is like the first time I heard about you and knew the truth and knew you were his son! I had no idea. Honestly I was never aware of the true hatred your father had for you to the point that he wanted to murder you." 
"I didn't know that he wanted to murder me either. I knew he had hoped my car crash would have at least put me in a Coma for long enough leaving him with the decision on whether or not to keep me onlife support. Which we both know he wouldn't."
"James look I'm sorry. I'm leaving your father effective after his first court date. I will be out of your life for good. I don't think your father will be getting out of prison any time soon." 
"Good he deserves it. He deserves to be there." I placed my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes for a minute. Taking a breath and hoping that the judge would not give him a low enough bail that could be paid for his release. Hopefully they wouldn't give him a bail at all, he deserves to be in jail. I opened my eyes remembering that Myra was still here.
"You're right he does. Look okay, whether you believe me or not I'm sorry that this happened to you." 
"You're right I don't believe you. You don't give a shit that this happened to me! You'd rather see me dead so you can't just continue to screw with my father! No guilty conscious." 
"James that is not true! No matter how much you think it is true it is not! I would never want to be with a man who's intentions were to kill his son. He is a mentally deranged man and he deserves to be in jail. I didn't know that when I met him I didn't know how much he hated you when I met him! Now that I know I hate myself for falling in love with a monster! You don't have to believe me I'm not asking for your approval. But don't you dare go the rest of your life hating me because your father tricked me into loving his twisted dark self." Myra then turned around and stormed out of the room. What a drama queen. This has nothing to do with her and here she is making sure she doesn't have to worry about whether or not I hate her.  
A few hours later the doctor came in and cleared me to go home, Jess came to pick me up and as soon as I got to her house I passed out on her bed. After a few hours I woke up, Jess lightly tapped on the door and came in. 
"Babe? Are you asleep?"
"No I'm up."
"I brought you some food." She walked in and gave me some Wendy's and sat down on the bed next to me.  
"You're the best." I smiled and leaned over and kissed her 
"How are you feeling?" 
"I'm alright. My dad is in jail though." 
"For what?!"
"Apparently he has been plotting to get rid of me." 
"Get rid of you? What do you mean?" 
"Yeah he was caught at a gun store trying to rob them and he failed and got arrested. Now he's facing life in prison."
"Oh my god. Are you kidding me. He is a psychopathic bastard he deserves to be in jail." 
"I know he does. Whatever he's where he belongs. All that matters to me right now is that I want to get out of this hospital." 
"Don't worry babe soon enough." 
"I hope so." 

Later that night I ordered pizza and invited Ashley and Luke over to hang out, I knew James needed a distraction and this would be the perfect one.

"Okay so, Jess would you rather eat a gasoline soaked cockroach or would you rather eat a brain?" 
"Are you like mentally okay ash? I really worry about you." 
"I'm fine answer the question!" 
"Alright geez, I'd rather eat a brain." 
"Aww babe really?" 
"Yes really, what do you want to kiss me knowing I just ate some big ass cockroach soaked in the fuel you put in your car and lawn mower?!" 
"Well when you put it that way no, no I would not." 
"My point exactly, okay Luke would you rather never again be able to kiss a girl and only be able to have the undying urge to kiss animals no matter what kind or have the undying urge to drink your own pee." 
"Obviously drink my own pee. I would never want to not be able to kiss a girl. Then I couldn't kiss my girlfriend." 
"I love how your phrased that."
"What did I phrase it wrong?" 
"No you just could have said be able to kiss girls but you said kiss me because you want to keep your balls and dignity tonight don't you?" 
"Precisely why I said what I said." 
"Alright I'm over this game . Let's go out or something."

A/N They all get up to leave and go out for a night on the town.

I woke up the next day and went downstairs to find James. We got back at a decent time last night because James still has a concussion and he needs to still be careful. I found him holding his phone to his head and his face furrowed in confusion, I walked over the couch and sat next to him. 
"Babe? What's going on?" 
"Nothing good, as usual." 
"What do you mean?" I took his hand in mine and laced my fingers with his and made circles with my thumb on the back of his hand. 
"My phone woke me up." 
"Who called you?" 

"The courthouse."

My heart sank a little bit, this was the last thing James needed right now. "Oh my god what did they say?"
"They said that they need me to testify against my father. They don't have enough probable cause to put him away for life." 
"Are you kidding me? That's outrageous. He was planning to kill you. That's not enough probably cause?!" I thought, the judicial system is so messed up. Someone with a motive to kill and having premeditated murderous thoughts is not being put in Jail for life because of what? This is absurd, and if after James has to testify and they still don't think it enough I'm going to lose my mind.
"I guess not. Either way I'm going to testify. If I don't they could sway the decision and the jury can decide that he could only have a few years." 
"Do you want me to go with you?" 
"Yes please." 
"Okay. When is the trial?" 
"Today at 1:00." 
"Alright. Well why don't we try and take a sliver of happiness and go out to breakfast?" 
"I would love that." I don't know what I would do without Jess. I can't wait until the day she is mine forever. Legally and emotionally. She makes me so happy and God am I in love with her. I can't believe that I have to go to court and testify against my father. I am so angry. How could you not have enough probable cause to frame my father for pre meditated murder? That's outrageous. I just hope I can testify against him and he can just be put away. He deserves everything. I hope he never gets out.

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