To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter 13

Jessica POV:

I woke up the next morning to find James side of the bed empty. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to adjust to the light of the sun. I stood up and got out of bed. I walked out into the hallway and down the stairs and into the living room, "Ash? James?" No answer I got worried. James can barely walk as it is and I can't find him. I ran back upstairs and got my phone and called Ashley's phone.
"Hey girl."
"Where are you? I woke up and James wasn't by my side. I got worried."
"Oh well he wanted to continue your party planning. So he hobbled to my car early this morning and we went shopping for the last of the party planning supplies."
"Oh my god he is unbelievable! He's on crutches."
"He knows but he doesn't want his crutches and his injury to be a set back to him helping me plan your party."
"He really wants this for me doesn't he?"
"Yes, he does."
"Okay ill let him slide. When is this supposed party anway?"
"This Saturday night. At 6:00 to whenever." "Wow this is some bash you guys are throwing me!"
"Yeah we want it to rock!"
"Okay okay do you. But don't go over board." "We won't we won't we got this don't worry." "Alright keep James off his leg when you can." "He's sitting right now I got you."
"Okay bye." I hung up with Ashley. I couldn't believe James was still planning my party like he was just in a car accident on Monday night and he acting as if it never happened. I love him but he is insane! I went upstairs to take a shower.

An hour later

"Jess?! Jess?!"
"Come here look we have the stuff, now we need you to come in and decorate and make the menu!"
"Okay coming!" I went downstairs and the entire living was filled with 18th birthday party stuff. I couldn't believe my eyes it was all my favorite colors and glittery and it was AMAZING!
"Wow you guys this is amazing you bought all this for my party?"
"Yeah babe we want you to love your party. We want this to be an awesome night for you." Remembering I was still mad at James for continuing to party plan in his condition.
"You sir are a naughty boy. You know you can't walk long distances? Why would you go to the mall?"
"Babe injured or not I'm still planning this party with Ashley."
"Okay but please be careful."
"I will I promise." I walked up and pecked him on the lips.
"So now what do we need to do?"
"You need to put the foods that you want on the menu. Like is there a theme food is it or is it a buffet?"
"Well I want there to be a variety of food. I don't want to just limit it to what I like because what if people don't like that. They can't just eat cupcakes and candy and chips. So I'll write down the things we need at the store then ill go and get them."
"Or....." I looked at James.
"Or what babe?"
"I could take my dads credit card and have everything catered."
"Babe no! You can't do that! Your father would have your head!"
"Babe it's okay. The credit card is in my dads name but I used it for emergencies and things I need and it want."
"Babe you don't have to do that that's your money ill just buy the things at the store." "Babe I want to. Please let me?" I couldn't resist he was giving me his puppy dog face and since his eyes are a hazelnut brown he is absolutely sexy but adorable at the same time. "Ugh fine."
"Yes! Score!"
"But I'm looking at the menus and choosing a place to cater from."
"Yes of course. I'll get at least four menus from places that cater and you can look through them."
"Okay good. Now that foods out of the way. Color scheme for the outfits."
"Okay so we got a little pink but not a lot then we have purple blue white and silver."
"Okay for the guys. You can either wear a blue polo shirt with white pants and black shoes and a silver bow tie or a purple shirt with white pants and  black shoes and a pink bow tie. And for the girls long or short or cocktail dresses either purple and white with silver accents or blue and white with pink accents."
"I love it! We need to go shopping though." "We will tomorrow I want to get the menus out of the way."
"Okay. Yay! This is going to be so much fun!"
"I know thank you guys so much for convincing me to let you do this."
"Babe no problem your welcome."
"Yeah your welcome we love you and want your party to be a night to remember."

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