Wedding chapter part two: rehearshal dinner

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*today is Saturday. One day before the wedding. Everyone arrive yesterday to Hawaii. Tonight is the rehearsal dinner and bachelor and bachelorette parties. Tomorrow James and Jessica will be a married couple as it should have been since forever ago.*

~in the hotel with James, Luke, Ashley, Jessica, and Mrs. White~

"Okay so what colors am I wearing tonight babe I keep getting it confused with the colors in wearing for the wedding."
"Lucas, we have gone over this so many times. Stop stressing tonight colors don't matter, it's the rehearsal dinner. you can wear nice clothes, but there's not specific color theme. The only colors you have to worry about are the colors for Sunday. Which I will make sure is all ready for you to put on."
"Thank you babe I can always count on you."
"That's what I'm here for. Jess, can I talk to you out in the hallway please?"
"Sure. What's going on?"
"We have a small problem?"
"What might that be?"
"I got a call from a random number yesterday. Turns out it was the court house. James dad was calling to talk to him."
"What the hell? Are you kidding me? What do you do what did you say?"
"I told him he had the wrong number and to never call again."
"Has he called since?"
"No they not gave him one call and that's the one call he has every four months. So in four months from now we'll see if he calls again. I just want you to know this and just he careful if you had a random number on your phone or if things seem sketchy."
"Thanks ash, I'll remember that and keep an eye out. Now let's get ready for this rehearsal dinner."

~every began to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. The dinner began at 7:00 and than there was a fire and music and everyone at the wedding telling stories about the bride and groom. Little did Jess know she had a special surprise for her.~

"Jess can you please sit here? We all have a big surprise for you."

I sat down on the chair they place in front of the fire for me.

"So we all know how much this one person means to you. And they wanted nothing more than to be here for you special day."

I couldn't think of who they could be talking about. No one immediate crossed my mind. It seemed as if everyone I love and that loved me wanted to be here. No one came to my mind. It wasn't until hands covered my face and that familiar voice that I had been without for so many years rung in my ears. Mason! Oh my god how could I have forgotten about mason!"

" I feel terrible! You didn't even come to mind when they tried to explain to me who was coming! I'm so happy you are here! Now my wedding day will be complete because you are here."
"I wouldn't want to miss this for the world Jess you and your mother and the greatest things that have happened to me in these past couple of months. I couldn't thank you guys enough for that. So thank you for allowing me to be apart of such an special day."

Tears were brimming in my eyes. I was so happy that mason was here. I gave him a huge hug and gave him the chair I was sitting in. I walked over and sat by James.

~because I won't be able to capture true emotions for a majority of the chapter. I am not going to bore you trying to lengthen this chapter. The next and last chapter of this book is the most important part anyway. So this filler stuff is just not necessary. So the night went on with laughter and jokes and stories about everyone and some heartfelt speeches from the soon to be groom and bride and friends. Now the night had needed everyone is going to bed and getting ready for the big day tomorrow. The marriage of Jessica White and James Tanner.~

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